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Luminar AI and
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Luminar Neo that helps you achieve the best photos
in a specific genre and setting. Each Kit includes a preparation guide with practical tips
as well as post-processing assets.

어떤 사진을 만들 수 있나요?

A street photo records everyday life in a public urban place, and is an exercise in observation for the photographer. The end result becomes eye-catching when it captures a mundane view in a unique way.

ビフォア 적용 후
© Deklofenak
ビフォア 적용 후
© GaudiLab
ビフォア 적용 후
© enricoblueblu
도시의 정글 키트(4)

What is included in the Urban Jungle Kit?

Think of a Kit as a toolbox with various instruments that let you experiment and achieve the effects you want in your photos. Kits are perfectly suited for everyday editing but also let you try on the role of a professional photographer.

5 Presets for different types of street photos

고유한 컬러 솔루션을 갖춘 5가지 LUT

7 Overlays with foreground elements

7 Overlays with creative film frames and flares

팁과 지침이 포함되어 있는 전문 ​​편집 가이드북 1개

어떤 사진을 만들 수 있나요?

A street photo records everyday life in a public urban place, and is an exercise in observation for the photographer. The end result becomes eye-catching when it captures a mundane view in a unique way.

Nightscape Preset

For captivating nighttime photos with a cinematic look. Think of glamorous late-night photo sessions in the city center illuminated by neon street lights.


Blurred Lights Overlay

Amplify the urban mood with colorful city lights.


Burn Overlay

Emulate the effect of a burning flame for depth and warmth.

ビフォア 적용 후
© ArturVerkhovetskiy

Indigo Preset

For cold and vibrant photos, with an accent on the reds and built-in skin tone improvement in portraits. Try it for a glamorous and striking look.


Taxi overlay

Create a characteristic city feeling with a moving taxi in the foreground.


React overlay

A red flare gives a slightly dangerous and exciting vibe.

ビフォア 적용 후
© vova130555@gmail.com

Neutral Preset

For neutral yet effective photos with a raised black point, slightly saturated and providing warm tones. Like a fashion magazine spread.


Horizontal Film Frame Overlay

Easily create a vintage vibe by framing your photo horizontally.


Exposed Overlay

Catch the viewer’s attention with a colorful effect in the left part of the photo.

ビフォア 적용 후
© Deklofenak

Cloudy Preset

For a cold effect, but with less contrast and vibrancy. Ideal for cloudy days or photos taken in the shade.


Cycler Overlay

A person on a bike creates movement and adds to the atmosphere.

ビフォア 적용 후
© GaudiLab

Emerald Preset

For a vintage film effect, with a characteristic greenish tint. Perfect for a retro look.


Bush Overlay

How about a bit of blurry vegetation to add volume to your photo?

ビフォア 적용 후
© enricoblueblu

a step-by-step guide from Skylum’s top specialists and Ambassadors

This Kit will take you from the moment you pick up your camera to the moment you’re satisfied with the results of your street photo shoot.

도시의 정글 키트(5)
도시의 정글 키트(6)

Tips and tricks, mistakes to avoid, and best camera settings

도시의 정글 키트(6)

Interview about what makes or breaks a street photo

도시의 정글 키트(6)

Step-by-step instructions to prepare for a street photoshoot by Skylum Ambassador and lifestyle and wedding photographer Justin Lim.

About Urban Jungle Kit

What inspired you to create this Kit devoted to street photography?

Street photography is an integral part of our lives. We often take pictures of ourselves and our loved ones on the streets of our beloved cities. And of course, everybody takes lots of photos while traveling. Not to mention the hunting for inspirational street shots that is often a starting point for photographers.

Street photography is a separate art form. Such photos show us life in all its diversity, color, and imperfection — in short, life itself. Thanks to this type of photography, we can feel the atmosphere of another city, country, culture, or era. We can feel what it’s like to live another life different from our own.

At the same time, street photography is everyday photography, in which we freeze the happy moments of ourselves and our loved ones, little by little presenting vignettes of entire periods of our lives. Street photographs turn into old-style photo albums, where each page contains photos that are not linked at first glance but that share a connection — our life.?

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이 멋진 사진 편집 세상으로의 여행, 저희가 안내해 드리겠습니다!

도시의 정글 키트

Capture the beating heart of the street in your photography. This toolbox of creative assets, along with instructions from pros, will help you make incredible photos. Why wait?

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도시의 정글 키트(13)