Die Magie der Kanarischen Inseln
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Bring den ewigen Frühling der Kanaren in deine Bilder mit dieser Sammlung von Himmeln, alle in hervorragender 8K-Qualität und geliefert als 25 JPEGs und TIFFs. Diese Himmel wurden von Mariano Morichini auf Lanzarote auf den Kanarischen Inseln aufgenommen und sind perfekt geeignet, um vulkanische Energie in deine Landschaftsfotografie zu bringen und Porträts und Stadtfotos zu verbessern.
25 Himmel in JPEG- und TIFF-Format.
Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop
Mariano Morichini is a photographer, videographer, and content creator based in Italy. He started working as a photographer in 1984 and as a videographer in 1998. Throughout his career, Mariano has been interested in multiple photography genres, exploring various forms of expression. He has cooperated with many Italian magazines and produced advertising campaigns for major brands. Today, Mariano is the creator behind the YouTube channel VideoZappo as well as the organizer of the community and online photography school related to the channel.