Temukan fitur Luminar Neo

Tingkatkan pengeditan Anda dengan alat pengeditan foto bertenaga AI dari Luminar Neo.

Langit AI


Twilight EnhancerAI


Water EnhancerAI

Tingkatkan AI




Aktifkan kembali AI





Hadapi AI

Kulit AI

Potret Bokeh AI

Limited time offer








Sale up to 60% off

Lihat rencana

6 alasan mengapa Luminar Neo adalah perangkat lunak pengedit gambar terbaik untuk Anda

Beli Luminar | Skylum(7)

Mudah digunakan

Dapat diakses oleh semua orang berkat antarmuka yang intuitif dan ramah pengguna.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(8)

Bertenaga AI

Ganti langit, tingkatkan lanskap dan potret, semuanya dengan alat bertenaga AI.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(9)

Alat pengeditan

Nikmati beragam instrumen termasuk layer, masking, dan penyesuaian lokal.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(10)

Tersedia di mana-mana

Gunakan di Windows, macOS, atau sebagai plugin untuk Photoshop & Lightroom.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(11)

Preset multiform

Raih hasil tingkat pro yang cepat, dan tampilan yang konsisten di seluruh foto Anda.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(12)

Perbaikan terus-menerus

Terima rilis reguler pembaruan dan fitur baru.

Antarmuka pemenang penghargaan

Luminar dirancang agar nyaman bagi orang-orang dengan tingkat kemahiran berbeda. Kontrol perangkat lunak yang didukung AI yang intuitif mengotomatiskan tugas multilangkah yang rumit.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(13)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(14)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(15) Beli Luminar | Skylum(16)

Dirancang oleh Skylum untuk



Tonton tur produk

Temukan kemampuan Luminar Neo

Dengan dukungan untuk file mentah, mengekspor dalam semua format file utama, layer, masking, dan banyak lagi, Luminar Neo memenuhi semua kebutuhan pengeditan Anda.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(17)

Peningkatan gambar AI

Teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) mendeteksi area foto Anda yang harus ditingkatkan. Cukup gerakkan satu penggeser dan perhatikan saat penyesuaian diterapkan secara akurat.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(18)

Alat kloning

Ganti piksel yang tidak diinginkan atau rusak dengan piksel pilihan Anda dari bagian manapun dalam foto. Mudah menutupi kerusakan atau noda dengan cepat.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(19)

Pengeditan mentah

Luminar Neo mendukung lebih dari 1000 kamera. Ia bekerja dengan file JPEG, PNG, dan TIFF, banyak file mentah (termasuk CR2, CR3, NEF, ORF, dan RAF), dan bahkan lebih banyak format file.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(20)

Menghindari & membakar

Ambil kendali penuh atas pencahayaan dalam foto Anda. Atur jumlah cahaya di area tertentu untuk menarik perhatian secara khusus.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(21)

Dukungan lapisan

Gunakan lapisan untuk menggabungkan beberapa elemen dalam satu proyek. Lapisan dapat berisi foto, tekstur, dan penyesuaian.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(22)

Peningkatan warna

Gunakan alat ini untuk mengontrol warna dengan tepat. Sesuaikan kecemerlangan, kehangatan, kontras, dan keseimbangan dalam hitungan detik.
Beli Luminar | Skylum(23)

Pengeditan yang tidak merusak

Gambar asli Anda selalu aman. Anda dapat meninjau dan membuat perubahan pada hasil edit kapan pun Anda inginkan
Beli Luminar | Skylum(24)

Pangkas dan ubah ukurannya

Otomatis sesuaikan komposisi, pangkas, dan perspektif. Mudah ubah rasio aspek dan ukuran gambar
Beli Luminar | Skylum(25)

Koreksi lensa

Hapus semua cacat gambar yang disebabkan oleh distorsi optik. Dengan satu gerakan, defringe, hapus sketsa, dan hilangkan penyimpangan kromatik
Beli Luminar | Skylum(26)

Pemrosesan batch

Hemat waktu dengan menerapkan penyesuaian yang sama ke banyak foto menggunakan pemrosesan batch. Mudah menerapkan penyesuaian pada sejumlah besar gambar yang diambil dalam kondisi serupa.

Dapatkan lebih banyak kekuatan pengeditan dengan Ekstensi baru untuk Luminar Neo

Lihat rencana

Obral hingga
diskon 60%.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(28)

Jahitan Panorama

Gabungkan beberapa foto atau video menjadi satu dan buat panorama yang menakjubkan.

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(29)

Cahaya Ajaib AI

Memanipulasi sumber cahaya dengan AI

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(30)

Supersharp AI

Stabilkan komposisi Anda dengan Supersharp AI

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(31)

Penumpukan Fokus

Jaga semuanya dalam fokus

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(32)

AI kelas atas

Peningkatan skala yang sempurna

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(33)

Penghapusan Latar Belakang AI

Pilih. Klik. Menghapus.

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(34)

AI tanpa suara

Buatlah Tanpa Suara.
Simpan detailnya.

Belajarlah lagi
Beli Luminar | Skylum(35)

Penggabungan HDR

Mengungkapkan warna yang sebenarnya

Belajarlah lagi
Sebelum Sesudah
© Cuma Cevik
Sebelum Sesudah
© Eric Han
Sebelum Sesudah
© Javier Pardina
Sebelum Sesudah
© Cuma Cevik

Tonjolkan warna asli dengan alat unik yang didukung AI

Luminar Neo memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat warna menonjol. Alat seperti Accent AI dapat dengan cerdas menyeimbangkan rona, saturasi, sorotan, kontras, dan detail dengan satu penggeser. Namun, Anda selalu dapat menyempurnakan masing-masing secara terpisah sesuai keinginan Anda dengan kontrol manual.

Supersharp AI

Jam Emas

Harmoni Warna

Kontras super

Jadikan subjek Anda memukau pemirsa

Retouching potret adalah pekerjaan yang sulit dan membosankan jika dilakukan dengan alat konvensional. Pendekatan Luminar berbeda. Jaringan saraf AI kami mendeteksi berbagai fitur wajah dan memungkinkan Anda bekerja langsung dengannya.







© Sergey Kovbasyuk
Portrait retouching by Luminar - photo before retouch
Beli Luminar | Skylum(36)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(37)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(38)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(39)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(40)
© Sergey Kovbasyuk
AI Portrait retouching by Luminar - photo before retouch
Beli Luminar | Skylum(41)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(42)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(43)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(44)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(45)

Colokkan ke perangkat lunak yang sudah Anda gunakan

Dapatkan kualitas gambar yang lebih baik tanpa mengubah alur kerja Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan Luminar Neo sebagai perangkat lunak mandiri, atau langsung dari sebagian besar editor foto.

Adobe Photoshop® Plugin

Gunakan di Windows, macOS, atau sebagai plugin untuk Photoshop & Lightroom.

Adobe Lightroom® Classic Plugin

Raih hasil tingkat pro yang cepat, dan tampilan yang konsisten di seluruh foto Anda.

Photos® untuk Ekstensi macOS

Raih hasil tingkat pro yang cepat, dan tampilan yang konsisten di seluruh foto Anda.

Tahapan pengiriman produk

Versi Akses Awal

Beli Luminar | Skylum(52)

Fitur Inti Luminar

Fitur Inti Luminar

100+ solusi klasik dan berbasis AI untuk hasil profesional

Beli Luminar | Skylum(53)

Hapus Bintik Debu

Hapus Bintik Debu

Pilih dan hilangkan noda debu dalam satu klik

Beli Luminar | Skylum(54)

Menyala lagiAI

Menyala lagiAI

Kontrol cahaya dalam ruang 3D

Beli Luminar | Skylum(55)

Hapus Powerlines

Hapus Powerlines

Deteksi dan singkirkan kabel listrik secara otomatis

Berbagi Luminar

Bagikan gambar dengan mudah antara desktop dan seluler

Rilis utama pada bulan Februari

Beli Luminar | Skylum(57)



Sempurnakan gambar Anda dalam satu klik

Beli Luminar | Skylum(58)



Memanipulasi banyak foto dengan lapisan gambar

Pembaruan gratis pertama

Beli Luminar | Skylum(59)



Deteksi dan pilih elemen dengan AI untuk aplikasi alat cepat

Beli Luminar | Skylum(60)

Penghapusan Latar Belakang PotretAI

Penghapusan Latar Belakang PotretAI

Hapus latar belakang potret secara otomatis

Produk akan dikirimkan kepada Anda dalam tiga tahap. Versi Akses Awal tersedia sekarang. Versi lengkap akan dikirimkan kepada Anda pada bulan Februari melalui pembaruan perangkat lunak. Nantinya, fitur tambahan akan ditambahkan melalui peningkatan besar gratis pertama.

Apa itu Akses Awal dan apa yang dapat saya harapkan darinya?

Akses Awal Luminar Neo adalah rilis produk awal untuk pelanggan setia kami yang ingin membentuk produk bersama kami. Versi Akses Awal menghadirkan sebagian besar fungsi inti Luminar bersama dengan tiga fitur baru yang digerakkan oleh AI. Kami sangat menghargai masukan Anda mengenai kinerja ketiga fitur tersebut. Anda dapat meninggalkan tanggapan Anda langsung di aplikasi.

Lihat rencana Sembunyikan Informasi Lengkap

Obral hingga
diskon 60%.

Pilih paket yang paling cocok untuk Anda

  • Versi selalu terkini
  • Semua Ekstensi Pro disertakan
  • 2 Activation on 2 Windows/MacOs

1 bulan

$ 11 .95 $ 11 .95

$ 11 .95

per bulan

Ditagih bulanan (Total $ 143 .00 /tahun)

Diskon $ 172

24 bulan

$ 114 .72 $ 114 .72

$ 4 .78

$ 11 .95

per bulan

Ditagih $ 114 .72 evеry 2 yeаrs

12 bulan

$ 99 .00 $ 99 .00

$ 8 .25

per bulan

Ditagih $ 99 .00 tahunan

🎁 Plus Creative Collection gift with every plan

Beli Luminar | Skylum(61)

$ 134

Limited Offer

4.8 di Trustpilot

berdasarkan 4000+ ulasan di
Skylum Software

Jaminan uang kembali 30 hari

Pengembalian dana penuh kapan saja dalam 30 hari

Dukungan teknis

Respons instan untuk masalah teknis

Pembelian satu kali

Seumur Hidup dengan Ekstensi

The product is yours forever with Pro Extensions

  • Editor Foto Luminar Neo
  • 1 Lisensi abadi
  • 1-Year Generative AI Access
  • Koleksi Kreatif
$ 249 $ 499

$ 249

$ 499

Pembayaran satu kali

Beli Luminar | Skylum(62)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(63)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(63)

What are the system requirements for Luminar Neo?

Luminar Neo should work on your computer as long as it meets the following minimum system requirements.

For Mac:

  • MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, early 2010 or newer
  • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better, including the M1/2/3 chip.
  • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)
  • macOS 11 or higher. IMPORTANT: macOS 10.13;10.14;10.15 is not supported.
  • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance
  • Display 1280x768 size or better

For Windows:

  • Windows-based hardware PC with mouse or similar input device
  • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better, AMD Ryzen™ 5 or better
  • Open GL 3.3 or later compatible Graphics Cards
  • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)
  • Operating System Windows 10 version 1909 or higher (only 64-bit OS).
  • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance
  • Display 1280x768 size or better

How to download and activate Luminar Neo?

Your download links will be waiting for you in your Skylum account.

Please note that your Luminar Neo purchase is automatically linked to your billing email, so make sure to create a Skylum account with that email or log in to your existing Skylum account linked to that email.

  1. Go to the Skylum account login page here.
  2. If you already have an account, sign in with your Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple account, or sign in with your email and password.
  3. If you don’t have a Skylum account, you can create one here. Make sure to choose the same email you used when purchasing Luminar Neo.
  4. If you have a Skylum account but purchased Luminar Neo using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts in the My Software > App isn’t showing? section of your Skylum account.
  5. In your account, you will see a My Software tab with all of your Skylum software, including Luminar Neo.
  6. Find the tab with Luminar Neo and download it by clicking the Download button.

You will be able to activate Luminar Neo by logging in to your Skylum account. No license key or activation code is required.

Luminar Neo launches in trial mode when you open it for the first time. When you start Luminar Neo, you’ll see a window that prompts you to log in to your Skylum account.

Please note that your Luminar Neo purchase is automatically linked to the billing email address you provided, so make sure to log in to your Skylum account connected to that email address or create a new Skylum account tied to your billing email address if needed.

To activate Luminar Neo:

  • If you already have a Skylum account, sign in with a linked Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple account, or sign in with your email and password.
  • If you don’t have a Skylum account, click Register and create one. You can sign up with a Facebook, Google, Microsoft, or Apple account, or you can sign up using your email and a password.
  • If you have a Skylum account but purchased Luminar Neo using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts in the My Software > App isn’t showing? section of your Skylum account.
  • Congratulations! You’ve activated Luminar Neo.

Still don’t see Luminar Neo in your account? Our support team will help you with that.

Which cameras are supported?

Luminar Neo RAW processing is based on our own powerful RAW engine. You can check the full list of supported cameras here.  Also, we regularly update our library and make our own improvements to provide excellent support for new cameras. 

Bisakah saya menggunakan Luminar Neo sebagai plugin?

Luminar Neo is a universal solution that can function both as a standalone editor and a plug-in. 

Luminar Neo can be used as a plug-in or extension for:

  • Lightroom Classic (starting from version 6);
  • Photoshop (from version CS5);
  • Photos for macOS.

Will I be able to access my Luminar Neo Extensions in the plugin mode?

All Extensions that work with a single image (such as Noiseless AI) will be accessible when you use Luminar Neo as a plugin.

Also, you can use the HDR Merge, Focus Stacking, and Upscale AI Extensions from the Lightroom plugin. Achieve even more impressive results with any editing workflow.

Moreover, please keep in mind that if you invoke Luminar Neo from Photoshop or select the “Edit a Copy with Lightroom Adjustments” option in Lightroom Classic, you’ll get a TIFF file in the Luminar plugin. 

Therefore, if you need to work with the RAW file in Luminar, you need to upload it in standalone mode. 

Alternatively, using Lightroom Classic, you can choose ‘Export Original’ after right-clicking the photo > Export > Luminar Neo > Open Source Files. 

What is going to change in January 2024?

Starting from January 2024, Luminar Neo will no longer offer separate Extensions nor the Extension Pack for sale as a one-time purchase. We will also no longer offer the 2023/24 Creative Journey Passes for lifetime customers wishing to access generative technologies.

Our goal is to simplify the process of accessing all the latest technologies in Luminar Neo for all of our customers. The most convenient way to do that will be to purchase a Pro subscription.

Instead of releasing individual Extensions throughout the year, Luminar Neo will have two major product updates per year with exciting new features and improvements, and regular minor updates addressing performance issues and bug fixes. All the Extensions you’ve already purchased will still be available to you.

Are you the owner of a Lifetime license with/without CJP or Extensions? Learn more how these changes will affect you

Apa perbedaan antara Keanggotaan Luminar X dan Langganan Luminar Neo Pro?

Luminar Neo’s Pro Monthly and Yearly Subscription plans give you access to the Luminar Neo app, all updates or new versions, as well as all Extensions available during the subscription period. 

Luminar X Membership is a paid subscription for those who already own or subscribe to Luminar and want to take their creativity to the next level. Luminar X members enjoy monthly delivery of creative assets, including Luminar Presets, LUTs, and Sky textures. 

Important: Luminar X Membership doesn't include the Luminar app or its Extensions. 

Where do I find my Extensions after installation?

Since HDR Merge, Focus Stacking, Panorama Stitching, and Upscale AI require dragging the images to the tool from the catalog, they are available in the Catalog tab on the right-side panel.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(65)

You can find Noiseless AI, Supersharp AI, Magic Light AI in the Edit tab > Tools panel:

Beli Luminar | Skylum(66)

Access the Background Removal AI Extension in the Edit panel > Layer Properties > Masking > Background Removal AI.

Beli Luminar | Skylum(67)

Apa yang terjadi pada Luminar Neo dan Ekstensi saya jika saya membatalkan langganan?

Canceling your subscription means you won’t be charged at the beginning of the next billing cycle. You’ll be able to keep using Luminar Neo and its Extensions for the duration of the paid period.

If you owned a lifetime license to Luminar Neo and any Extensions before subscribing, you will be able to use Luminar Neo and those Extensions for which you have a lifetime license after your subscription period ends. However, you will not get access to new Extensions and will lose access to any Extensions that were available to you during the subscription period but for which you do not own a lifetime license. You will also not have access to possible future new versions of the Luminar app.

What is Luminar Share?

Luminar Share is an app that allows Luminar Neo users to transfer photos from desktop to mobile (and in the opposite direction) wirelessly.

It also makes it easy for users to share edited photos to their social media accounts.

Features of Luminar Share include:

  • Wireless transfer of photos between the desktop Luminar Neo app and the Luminar Share mobile app
  • Mirroring of photos from Luminar Neo on a mobile device
  • Easy sharing of photos to social media

The Luminar Share app is available on both Android and iOS and is free for all Luminar Neo users.

What is Luminar Neo? Is Luminar Neo the next version of LuminarAI?

Luminar Neo is an innovative image editor powered by AI technologies of the future that simplifies complex editing routines and enables creators to bring their boldest ideas to life. And enjoy it.

  • Get speed and flexibility in your editing with our brand-new core engine and layers workflow.
  • The new engine we built for Luminar Neo is based on all the best solutions from our combined and evolved experience for maximum performance and creativity and is developed for achieving complex creative results.
  • Adjust the light in your photo for creative control over the lighting in a scene. You can control the exposure of an image based on the distance from the lens to independently adjust the background and foreground exposure.
  • Automatically remove spots on your images caused by dust and dirt on your lens and sensor.
  • Clean up unwanted power lines from the skies in your cityscapes.
  • Experiment with infinite creative possibilities by effortlessly combining two or more images in a shot.

...And much more.

The new technologies and innovative user experience in Luminar Neo make creative image editing simple and fun.

Luminar Neo is a quintessence of all our applications released to date. The software will retain almost all Luminar AI’s features and offer a great variety of innovations permeating the entire workflow for the best experience with the product inspired by you. 

This version will have even more editing power under the hood. Channeling your inspiration into mind-blowing photos has never been easier with all-new cutting-edge AI-powered tools that will add up to the already existing go-to collection of Luminar AI. Intelligent tools such as AccentAI, SkyAI (replaces the sky automatically and adds water reflections), SkinAI, Sky EnhancerAI, StructureAI (adjusts detail and clarity), BodyAI, AtmosphereAI(adds weather effects based on image depth reconstruction), Portrait BokehAI, and Supercontrast, as well as the upcoming virtual light source emulation, automated removal of power lines and dust spots, and many more, are industry-leading and are designed to provide satisfying results effortlessly. You’ll always retain complete control over your photos thanks to the convenient interface.

To make the editing process smoother, we’ve built a powerful module-based engine that provides an overall better performance and convenience. It allows users to apply lots of different tools to an image without significant performance loss. The software will also enjoy ample opportunities for future optimization. Thanks to the new architecture, the app will be updated regularly. We’ll get more opportunities to incorporate new technologies, give you more editing possibilities, and allow Luminar Neo to advance faster in our creative journey.

Luminar Neo will be installed separately as a brand new application and will not overwrite Luminar AI or other software.

Will I be able to migrate my LuminarAI Templates to Luminar Neo? How do I use Luminar Neo Migration Tool?

We understand that you’d love to use your previously created Templates in Luminar Neo. Therefore, you can download the Luminar Neo Migration tool from the My Software tab of your account.

Moreover, starting from the official release of Luminar Neo, we have been gradually converting your favorite Luminar AI Templates from our marketplace so you can install them in Luminar Neo. You can download the compatible files from the My Add-ons section of your Skylum account. Your collection of skies, textures, and objects are compatible with Luminar Neo as well.

The Luminar Neo Migration tool converts your Luminar AI Catalog into a Luminar Neo-compatible format and transfers your custom Templates.

Before using the Migration tool, please ensure that your Luminar AI and Luminar Neo are updated to the latest version.

On Windows, click Luminar > Help > Check for updates; on Mac, click Luminar > Check for updates.

Next, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the My Software tab of your Skylum account and click on the Download button next to the Luminar Neo Migration tool.
  2. Once the download is completed, install the Migration tool and launch it. 
  3. Click on the Add Catalog button and navigate to the Luminar AI Catalog that you’d like to migrate (it is possible to add several Catalogs if needed). The default location is the Pictures folder. If you specified a custom location for your catalog, search your custom location.
  4. Open the Luminar AI Catalog folder and choose the .luminarai file inside it. 
  5. Click on the Migrate button.
  6. Wait until ‘green checkmarks’ appear next to all the items that should be migrated. After that, the Migration Tool can be closed.
  7. Start Luminar Neo.
  8. In the top bar menu, click Luminar Neo > File > Catalog > Open (on Windows) or File > Catalog > Open (on Mac). 
  9. Navigate to the same folder where your Luminar AI Catalog is located. The newly migrated Luminar Neo Catalog should be located next to the original Luminar AI Catalog.  The name of the migrated Catalog should contain the ‘_migrated suffix.
  10. Open the _migrated catalog folder. Select .luminarneo catalog file inside the migrated Catalog, and click Open.

Note: Erase and/or Clone and/or Augmented sky Edits from Luminar AI are gathered together in one ‘Luminar AI Adjustments’ Edit. You can only delete it by clicking on the Trash Can button. The rest of the tools can be re-edited in the Edits menu if needed. 

The migrated Templates can be accessed in the Presets > My Presets tab.

What languages are supported?

Luminar Neo is available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese Simplified and Traditional, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and  Ukrainian

Beli Luminar | Skylum(68)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(69)
Beli Luminar | Skylum(69)

What is LuminarAI?

LuminarAI is an all-new application and plug-in and the first fully AI-powered image editing software in the world.

While Skylum is well-known for building software that taps into artificial intelligence for great results, LuminarAI is entirely different. 

We built LuminarAI with artificial intelligence at its core. Artificial intelligence saves you time and effort. Before, traditional editing software was outdated. It was time-consuming and hard to learn. It required effort and skills to get satisfying results. With LuminarAI, you can create great-looking photos much faster. It’s perfect for anyone, of any skill level. 

While other companies use artificial intelligence as a catchphrase, LuminarAI is packed full of truly smart technology. LuminarAI features many AI tools that allow you to get more done in less time. Innovations like SkyAI, FaceAI, BodyAI, IrisAI, AtmosphereAI and more give your images a memorable style and a competitive edge. Without sacrificing quality, speed or creative options.

How to download and activate LuminarAI?

Your download links will be waiting for you in your Skylum account.

NOTE: Your LuminarAI purchase is linked to the billing email address you provided. Use that email to log in to your Skylum Account or, if needed, create a new Skylum Account tied to that email address.

  1. Visit the login page here

  2. If you already have an account, sign in with Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, or your email and password.

  3. If you don’t have an account, you can create it here. Make sure to choose the same email used for the LuminarAI purchase. 

  4. If you have a Skylum account, but purchased LuminarAI using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts into one in the My Software tab > Link my licenses section of your Skylum account. After that, please go to the inbox of your new email address and verify your email.

  5. In your account, you will see a My Software tab with all of your Skylum software, including LuminarAI.

  6. Find the tab with LuminarAI. Download LuminarAI by clicking the Download button. 

With LuminarAI we made the activation process easier and faster for you. There’s no need to remember your license number in order to use LuminarAI. Now you may activate LuminarAI directly from your account.

By default, all our software launches in trial mode when you first open it. When you start LuminarAI, you’ll see a window that prompts you to log in to your Skylum Account. 

To activate LuminarAI:

  • If you already have a Skylum account, sign in with a linked Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple account, or sign in with your email and password.

  • If you don’t have a Skylum account, click Register and create a Skylum Account. You can sign up with a Facebook, Google, Microsoft, or Apple account, or you can sign up using your email and a password. 

  • If you have a Skylum account, but purchased LuminarAI using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts into one in the My Software tab > Link my licenses section of your Skylum account. After that, please go to the inbox of your new email address and verify your email.

  • Congratulations! You’ve activated LuminarAI.

Still don’t see LuminarAI in your account? Our support team will help you with that.

What are the system requirements for LuminarAI?

LuminarAI should work on your computer as long as it meets the following minimum system requirements. 

For Mac:

    • MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, early 2010 or newer

      • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better

        • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

          • macOS 10.13.6 or higher. IMPORTANT: macOS 10.12 is not supported.

            • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance

              • Display 1280x768 size or better

              Starting from Update 3, LuminarAI runs natively on the M1 chip.

              For Windows:

                • Windows-based hardware PC with mouse or similar input device

                  • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better, AMD Ryzen™ 5 or better

                    • Open GL 3.3 or later compatible Graphics Cards

                      • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

                        • Operating System Windows 10 (only 64-bit OS) or higher. IMPORTANT: Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 are not supported.

                          • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance

                            • Display 1280x768 size or better

                            Are third-party plug-ins supported? (including Aurora HDR and Luminar 4)

                            In our other applications, third-party plug-ins are supported and send back the processed image as a new layer. 

                            One of the changes in LuminarAI is the switch from layers to a Local Adjustments tool and smart segmentation of our AI-powered tools. This is why there will be no third-party plugin support in LuminarAI. If you need to merge bracketed photos, we suggest using Aurora HDR in its standalone mode.

                            Can I use LuminarAI as a plug-in?

                            LuminarAI is a universal solution that can function both as a standalone editor and a plug-in.

                            Using LuminarAI as a plug-in, you’ll be able to bring creative and timesaving workflow to your host application. LuminarAI allows you to revolutionize the way you enhance photos but conveniently fits into your current workflow. 

                            LuminarAI can be used as a plug-in or extension for: 

                              • Lightroom Classic (starting from version 6)

                                • Photoshop (from version CS5)

                                  • Photos for macOS

                                  Does LuminarAI handle RAW files?

                                  Of course! LuminarAI RAW processing is based on our own powerful RAW engine. We regularly update our library and make our own improvements to provide perfect support for new cameras. You can check the full list of supported cameras here.

                                  Can I use other skies/textures/objects in LuminarAI?

                                  Yes, you can use your own sky textures and objects in LuminarAI.

                                  SkyAI will work with your own photos if they are in one of the following formats: JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Here are guidelines on preparing skies for best results. Augmented SkyAI will work with your own objects if they are in PNG format with the Alpha channel or JPG format with a fully black background.

                                  © simon-berger
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(71)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(72)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © simon-berger
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(73)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(74)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © simon-berger
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(75)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(76)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © simon-berger
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(77)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(78)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Cuma Cevik
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(79)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(80)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(81)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(82)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(83)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(84)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(85)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(86) Dibuat oleh Tim Skylum

                                  Panorama yang Penuh Jiwa


                                  $ 99 .00


                                  Temukan Langit yang menakjubkan oleh Ev Tchebotarev. Semua Langit ini mengandung sedikit butiran artistik yang mengingatkan kita pada film lama, menambahkan suasana nostalgia dan menghangatkan hati pada foto Anda. Gunakan Langit resolusi tinggi ini — yang mengemas semua warna yang bisa dibayangkan — dalam lanskap, foto gaya hidup, pemandangan kota, dan di mana pun Anda ingin menimbulkan efek wow.

                                  Apa yang akan Anda temukan

                                  • 10 Langit menakjubkan dalam format JPEG.

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Masuk untuk memvalidasi harga khusus

                                  Verifikasi pembelian produk Skylum Anda sebelumnya untuk membeli Luminar Neo dengan diskon loyalitas.

                                  © Serge Ramelli
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(88)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(89)
                                  © muha04
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(90)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(91)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(92) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Ksusha Kazak
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(93)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(94)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(95) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © philipus
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(96)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(97)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(98) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © jon_chica
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(99)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(100)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(101) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Ksusha Kazak
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(102)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(103)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(104) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Cuma Çevik
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(105)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(106)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(107) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Serge Ramelli
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(108)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(109)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(110) >
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(111)

                                  Jahitan Panorama

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(112)

                                  Penghapusan Latar Belakang AI

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(113)

                                  Penumpukan Fokus

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(114)

                                  Penggabungan HDR

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(115)

                                  AI kelas atas

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(116)

                                  Supersharp AI

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(117)

                                  AI tanpa suara

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(118)

                                  Magic LightAI

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(119)

                                  Paket Ekstensi

                                  Manfaatkan 8 ekstensi level pro pada Luminar Neo untuk mencapai hasil luar biasa saat mengedit foto Anda

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(96)

                                  Penggabungan HDR

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Penggabungan tanda kurung kualitas tertinggi dan peningkatan warna yang spektakuler
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(105)

                                  AI tanpa suara

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Penghapusan noise berbasis AI dan pemulihan detail dengan preset cerdas
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(124)

                                  Penghapusan Latar Belakang AI

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  alat bertenaga AI yang secara otomatis menghilangkan latar belakang subjek apa pun.
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(99)

                                  AI kelas atas

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  alat bertenaga AI untuk meningkatkan resolusi gambar dengan cara alami.
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(93)

                                  Penumpukan Fokus

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Tumpuk hingga 100 foto untuk detail tajam dan kedalaman bidang yang lebih besar
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(102)

                                  Supersharp AI

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Atasi buram gerakan dan misfokus pada foto Anda
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(108)

                                  Magic LightAI

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Tambahkan sentuhan ajaib pada foto Anda
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(88)

                                  Jahitan Panorama

                                  Tersedia sekarang Beli Luminar | Skylum(121)
                                  Gabungkan beberapa foto atau video menjadi satu dan buat panorama yang menakjubkan.

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(136)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(137)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(138)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(139)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(140)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(141)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(142)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(143)

                                  Dari drone zero hingga drone hero: 37 tips drone untuk membuat Anda terbang seperti pembuat film

                                  Tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris


                                  • 10 things i wish we knew on day one • 5 steps to drone cinematography greatness • 8 signs you’re a beginner drone pilot • 14 ways to not crash your drone

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(144)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(145)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(146)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(147)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(148)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(149)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(150)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(151)

                                  Saal Digital: Produk foto berkualitas tinggi

                                  Lab foto profesional dengan antusiasme tinggi terhadap fotografi.

                                  $ 69 .00

                                  Tentang tawaran itu

                                  • Diskon 20 USD, 20 GBP, atau 20 EUR untuk produk apa pun, kecuali voucher hadiah, tanpa menyertakan nilai pesanan minimum dan biaya pengiriman. • Tidak dapat digabungkan dengan kupon atau promosi lainnya. • Dapat ditukarkan satu kali per pelanggan dan rumah tangga. • Berlaku hingga 30 September 2023.

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang
                                  © Albert Dros
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(153)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(154)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Albert Dros
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(155)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(156)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Albert Dros
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(157)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(158)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Albert Dros
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(159)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(160)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Albert Dros
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(161)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(162)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(163)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(164)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(165)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(166)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(167)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(86) Dibuat oleh Tim Skylum

                                  Teknik Edit Foto Kreatif di Luminar Neo


                                  $ 99 .00


                                  Dengan kursus ini, Anda akan menerima paket gratis berisi 12 Preset oleh Albert Dros untuk membuat gambar yang memukau! Tingkatkan keterampilan Anda, mulai hari ini.

                                  Apa yang akan Anda temukan

                                  Dalam sepuluh video ini, Albert akan memberi tahu Anda semua tentang apa yang membuat atau menghancurkan sebuah foto.

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(169)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(170)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(171)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(172)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(173)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(174)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(175)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(176)

                                  Slickpic: Galeri mutakhir dan situs web portofolio profesional

                                  Jaminan kualitas foto terbaik, privasi dan keamanan terdepan di industri, pemeriksaan klien, situs ramah seluler & banyak lagi.

                                  $ 69 .00

                                  Tentang tawaran itu

                                  • Kode SlickPic unik Anda memberi Anda diskon 33% dari paket Portofolio terlaris kami. Biasanya dihargai $154 per tahun, diskon Skylum Anda menurunkan harga menjadi hanya $99,95 untuk tahun pertama, sehingga menghemat $55. • Berlaku hingga 31 Desember 2023.

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang
                                  © kydy
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(178)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(179)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © Ivankmit
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(180)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(181)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © fotoluminate
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(182)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(183)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  © kerenby
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(184)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(185)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(186)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(187)
                                  Sebelum Sesudah
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(188)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(189)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(190)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(191)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(192)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(86) Dibuat oleh Albert Dros

                                  Koleksi Kreatif



                                  Tingkatkan keindahan foto Anda. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menonjolkan bidikan Anda dengan Creative Collection, senilai $134. Dengan 25 Langit, 30 Preset, dan 10 LUT, Anda dapat membuat gambar yang akan membawa Anda ke dunia musim semi, bunga bermekaran, alam bermekaran, dan kehidupan yang bangkit. Bereksperimenlah dengan berbagai efek dan temukan efek yang paling menginspirasi Anda.

                                  Apa yang akan Anda temukan

                                  10 soulful Presets Make your vacation photos stand out thanks to breathtaking skies and wonderful toning. 10 artistic Presets Add iconic skies from van Gogh’s paintings to your photos and blend them with realistic and spectacular toning. 10 creative Presets You can recreate the perfect feeling of carefree traveling in your photos, making them worthy of putting a stamp on and sending out to friends. 25 amazing Skies This unique collection includes a range of Sky images featuring deep blues and cloudy whites, giving your pictures a romantic yet calming aura. 10 unique LUTs Create mesmerizing shadowplay with black hues and white accents created by the Skylum Team for your portrait, lifestyle, and urban photos.

                                  Produk Terkait

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Total: $ 00

                                  Kamu simpan $ 00

                                  Beli sekarang

                                  Masuk untuk memvalidasi
                                  harga khusus

                                  Verifikasi pembelian produk Skylum Anda sebelumnya untuk membeli Luminar Neo dengan diskon loyalitas.

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(195)

                                  Tiket Perjalanan Kreatif

                                  Fitur paket ekspansi Peningkatan terbatas waktu

                                  Fitur Al Generatif

                                  GenErase, GenExpand, GenSwap

                                  Akses hingga 1 Januari 2025

                                  Peningkatan fitur platform

                                  Lampu Studio, Neon & Cahaya, Penambah Air

                                  Akses tanpa batas selamanya

                                  Semua pembaruan dan fitur baru

                                  Akses tak terbatas selamanya (dirilis sebelum 16 Agustus 2024)

                                  Ingin DISKON 10%?

                                  Dapatkan diskon 10% khusus untuk paket apa pun pilihan Anda. Cukup masukkan alamat email Anda untuk langsung menerima kode promo.

                                  Tapi cepatlah!

                                  Kode promo hanya berlaku selama 24 jam
                                  Jangan lewatkan penawaran eksklusif ini!

                                  LIHAT RENCANA

                                  Coba permintaan itu lagi nanti. Jika kesalahan tidak teratasi, hubungi dukungan.

                                  Coba Nanti
                                  Harap tunggu
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(196)

                                  Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

                                  Apa itu Luminar Neo?

                                  Luminar Neo adalah perangkat lunak pengedit foto yang mudah digunakan yang memberdayakan pecinta fotografi untuk mengekspresikan keindahan yang mereka bayangkan menggunakan alat inovatif berbasis AI.

                                  Kami telah membangun Luminar Neo dari bawah ke atas agar berbeda dari editor Luminar sebelumnya. Fitur ini mempertahankan alatAI Luminar favorit Anda dan memperluas persenjataan Anda dengan lebih banyak teknologi canggih dan perubahan penting pada intinya. Sementara itu, desain Luminar yang dapat dikenali tetap dipertahankan, membuat Neo mudah digunakan dan menyenangkan untuk dijelajahi.

                                  Apa yang baru di Luminar Neo?

                                  Luminar Neo adalah lompatan besar ke depan untuk pengeditan berbasis AI yang lebih inovatif.

                                  Apa yang membedakan Luminar Neo dari semua versi Luminar sebelumnya adalah mesin modularnya. Modul membantu mendistribusikan beban secara merata untuk pemrosesan gambar yang lebih cepat. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menerapkan banyak alat berbeda ke gambar tanpa kehilangan kinerja yang signifikan dan menyimpan semua pengeditan secara otomatis.

                                  Di Luminar Neo, Anda dapat menemukan alat baru yang canggih untuk membantu memperbaiki berbagai hal di pos secepat mungkin – dan menyimpan setiap momen sebaik mungkin. Apa yang dapat Luminar Neo bantu untuk Anda? Secara otomatis menghilangkan titik debu dan saluran listrik, menutupi objek, dan menyalakan kembali pemandangan; tambahkan lapisan sebanyak yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi ide kompleks Anda; plus, gunakan mode blending dan masking, buat kolase, tambahkan efek paparan ganda, dan lakukan lebih banyak pada semua lapisan.

                                  Aplikasi seluler Luminar Share baru untuk iOS dan Android memungkinkan Anda mentransfer gambar dengan cepat dan mulus dari ponsel ke komputer.

                                  Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Luminar Neo?

                                  Anda dapat membeli Luminar Neo di halaman ini (cari Beli sekarang tombol). Luminar Neo tersedia untuk macOS dan Windows sebagai aplikasi dan plug-in. Lihat opsi langganan dan pembelian satu kali.

                                  Berapa banyak perangkat yang dapat saya gunakan di Luminar Neo?

                                  Jumlah perangkat tertera di halaman pembayaran. Biasanya, kami menawarkan lisensi untuk 1 atau 2 perangkat (“kursi”).

                                  Dua kursi memungkinkan Anda menginstal dan mengaktifkan Luminar Neo di dua perangkat sekaligus, apa pun sistem operasinya. Misalnya, Anda dapat menggunakan satu kursi untuk mengaktifkan Luminar Neo di Mac dan kursi lainnya untuk mengaktifkan Luminar Neo di komputer Windows, atau Anda dapat menggunakan kedua kursi untuk komputer Windows atau macOS. Kombinasi apa pun berfungsi!

                                  Selain itu, Anda selalu dapat mengelola aktivasi di Akun Skylum Anda. Anda dapat menambahkan lebih banyak kursi di Akun Skylum Anda jika Anda memiliki banyak komputer atau ingin membagikan lisensi Anda dengan orang yang membutuhkan akses.

                                  Apakah Anda mengganti komputer atau memutakhirkan perangkat Anda? Anda dapat mengatur ulang lisensi dari mesin lama Anda tanpa biaya dan mengaktifkan lisensi tersebut di perangkat baru Anda. Cukup masuk ke akun Skylum Anda untuk mengatur ulang aktivasi Luminar Neo.

                                  Apakah Anda menawarkan diskon pendidikan dan militer?

                                  Diskon pendidikan dan militer tersedia mulai dari tanggal rilis resmi dan dihitung dari harga jual reguler.

                                  Untuk mengamankan harga khusus, klik disini. Jika Anda memiliki Luminar atau Aurora HDR versi sebelumnya, kami juga memberikan diskon loyalitas. Klik di sini untuk menebusnya.

                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(68)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(69)
                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(69)

                                  What is LuminarAI?

                                  LuminarAI is an all-new application and plug-in and the first fully AI-powered image editing software in the world.

                                  While Skylum is well-known for building software that taps into artificial intelligence for great results, LuminarAI is entirely different. 

                                  We built LuminarAI with artificial intelligence at its core. Artificial intelligence saves you time and effort. Before, traditional editing software was outdated. It was time-consuming and hard to learn. It required effort and skills to get satisfying results. With LuminarAI, you can create great-looking photos much faster. It’s perfect for anyone, of any skill level. 

                                  While other companies use artificial intelligence as a catchphrase, LuminarAI is packed full of truly smart technology. LuminarAI features many AI tools that allow you to get more done in less time. Innovations like SkyAI, FaceAI, BodyAI, IrisAI, AtmosphereAI and more give your images a memorable style and a competitive edge. Without sacrificing quality, speed or creative options.

                                  How to download and activate LuminarAI?

                                  Your download links will be waiting for you in your Skylum account.

                                  NOTE: Your LuminarAI purchase is linked to the billing email address you provided. Use that email to log in to your Skylum Account or, if needed, create a new Skylum Account tied to that email address.

                                  1. Visit the login page here

                                  2. If you already have an account, sign in with Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, or your email and password.

                                  3. If you don’t have an account, you can create it here. Make sure to choose the same email used for the LuminarAI purchase. 

                                  4. If you have a Skylum account, but purchased LuminarAI using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts into one in the My Software tab > Link my licenses section of your Skylum account. After that, please go to the inbox of your new email address and verify your email.

                                  5. In your account, you will see a My Software tab with all of your Skylum software, including LuminarAI.

                                  6. Find the tab with LuminarAI. Download LuminarAI by clicking the Download button. 

                                  With LuminarAI we made the activation process easier and faster for you. There’s no need to remember your license number in order to use LuminarAI. Now you may activate LuminarAI directly from your account.

                                  By default, all our software launches in trial mode when you first open it. When you start LuminarAI, you’ll see a window that prompts you to log in to your Skylum Account. 

                                  To activate LuminarAI:

                                  • If you already have a Skylum account, sign in with a linked Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple account, or sign in with your email and password.

                                  • If you don’t have a Skylum account, click Register and create a Skylum Account. You can sign up with a Facebook, Google, Microsoft, or Apple account, or you can sign up using your email and a password. 

                                  • If you have a Skylum account, but purchased LuminarAI using an email address not tied to it, you can merge your accounts into one in the My Software tab > Link my licenses section of your Skylum account. After that, please go to the inbox of your new email address and verify your email.

                                  • Congratulations! You’ve activated LuminarAI.

                                  Still don’t see LuminarAI in your account? Our support team will help you with that.

                                  What are the system requirements for LuminarAI?

                                  LuminarAI should work on your computer as long as it meets the following minimum system requirements. 

                                  For Mac:

                                    • MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, early 2010 or newer

                                      • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better

                                        • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

                                          • macOS 10.13.6 or higher. IMPORTANT: macOS 10.12 is not supported.

                                            • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance

                                              • Display 1280x768 size or better

                                              Starting from Update 3, LuminarAI runs natively on the M1 chip.

                                              For Windows:

                                                • Windows-based hardware PC with mouse or similar input device

                                                  • CPU Intel® Core™ i5 or better, AMD Ryzen™ 5 or better

                                                    • Open GL 3.3 or later compatible Graphics Cards

                                                      • Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

                                                        • Operating System Windows 10 (only 64-bit OS) or higher. IMPORTANT: Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 are not supported.

                                                          • Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance

                                                            • Display 1280x768 size or better

                                                            Are third-party plug-ins supported? (including Aurora HDR and Luminar 4)

                                                            In our other applications, third-party plug-ins are supported and send back the processed image as a new layer. 

                                                            One of the changes in LuminarAI is the switch from layers to a Local Adjustments tool and smart segmentation of our AI-powered tools. This is why there will be no third-party plugin support in LuminarAI. If you need to merge bracketed photos, we suggest using Aurora HDR in its standalone mode.

                                                            Can I use LuminarAI as a plug-in?

                                                            LuminarAI is a universal solution that can function both as a standalone editor and a plug-in.

                                                            Using LuminarAI as a plug-in, you’ll be able to bring creative and timesaving workflow to your host application. LuminarAI allows you to revolutionize the way you enhance photos but conveniently fits into your current workflow. 

                                                            LuminarAI can be used as a plug-in or extension for: 

                                                              • Lightroom Classic (starting from version 6)

                                                                • Photoshop (from version CS5)

                                                                  • Photos for macOS

                                                                  Does LuminarAI handle RAW files?

                                                                  Of course! LuminarAI RAW processing is based on our own powerful RAW engine. We regularly update our library and make our own improvements to provide perfect support for new cameras. You can check the full list of supported cameras here.

                                                                  Can I use other skies/textures/objects in LuminarAI?

                                                                  Yes, you can use your own sky textures and objects in LuminarAI.

                                                                  SkyAI will work with your own photos if they are in one of the following formats: JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Here are guidelines on preparing skies for best results. Augmented SkyAI will work with your own objects if they are in PNG format with the Alpha channel or JPG format with a fully black background.

                                                                  Persyaratan Aplikasi


                                                                  Model Mac

                                                                  MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, awal 2010 atau lebih baru


                                                                  CPU Intel® Core™ i5 atau lebih baik

                                                                  Versi OS

                                                                  macOS 11.0 atau lebih tinggi.


                                                                  Memori 8 GB RAM atau lebih (disarankan 16+ GB RAM)

                                                                  Ruang disk

                                                                  Hard disk 10 GB ruang kosong; SSD untuk kinerja terbaik


                                                                  Ukuran 1280x768 atau lebih baik


                                                                  Perangkat keras

                                                                  PC perangkat keras berbasis Windows dengan mouse atau perangkat input serupa


                                                                  CPU Intel® Core™ i5 atau lebih baik, AMD Ryzen™ 5 atau lebih baik

                                                                  Versi OS

                                                                  10 versi 1909 atau lebih tinggi (hanya OS 64-bit)


                                                                  Memori 8 GB RAM atau lebih (disarankan 16+ GB RAM)

                                                                  Ruang disk

                                                                  Hard disk 10 GB ruang kosong; SSD untuk kinerja terbaik


                                                                  Ukuran 1280x768 atau lebih baik


                                                                  Buka kartu grafis yang kompatibel dengan GL 3.3 atau lebih baru

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                                                                  Beli Luminar | Skylum(211)