
© Depositphoto

オンライン クロップ ツールの活用法?

Take advantage of our crop presets to achieve flawless image composition. From crops perfect for portrait images to freeform cropping for personalized dimensions, our online crop tool, coupled with the picture rotator feature, has you covered.

オンライン クロップ ツールを使うと、品質を保ったまま写真のサイズや形状を変更できます。大切なディテールを失わずに適切なクロップを行うお手伝いをいたしますので、安心してご利用いただけます。


クロップ ツールを使って、アスペクト比をすばやく調整し、写真の焦点を強調できます。無関係な要素を取り除くことで、写真の最も魅力的な部分に見る人の視線を集められます。

なぜ弊社のオンライン 画像切り抜きツールが選ばれるのか?

Simple Cropper
Free to Use
Intuitive Interface
High-Speed Editing
No Apam or Ads
SavesYour Time

オンライン クロップの新しい方法を見つけよう

私たちのツールは、SNSやビジネスでのプレゼン、または個人的な用途など、オンラインで写真を簡単にトリミングできる直感的なインターフェイスを提供します。写真をアップロードし、好きなクロップ範囲を選択し、調整して適用するだけです ー とても簡単!

さらに、このツールは正確な寸法のための手動入力や理想的な構図のための自動被写体検出などの高度な機能を提供し、単なる切り抜きの域を超えています。これらの強化機能によってオンライン クロップ ツールは画像を切り抜きするだけでなく、視覚的に魅力的なストーリーを作成するためのクリエイティブ ツールです。
© Ksenia Kazak

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Black & White
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Black & White Online
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How Do I Crop Pictures Online?

To crop an image online for free, you can follow these steps:
1. Upload your image.
2. Locate and select the "Crop" option.
3. Click and drag on the image to select the area you wish to keep. Use the handles around the selection box to adjust the dimensions as needed.
4. Once satisfied with the cropped area, click the "Apply" button to finalize the crop.
5. Click the "Export image" button and select the desired format to save and download your cropped photo.

Can I UNDO or REDO Actions While Using the Photo Cropping Tool?

Yes, you can undo actions while using the photo cropping tool. Just click on the tool you used to revert your last action.

What Formats Can I Use to Cut Images Online?

Our photo editor lets you cut photos online in the most common formats, such as JPEG and PNG. You can save them in the same formats after editing.


When cropping an image, it's important to keep the original image's aspect ratio and not enlarge the cropped area. Our online image cropper ensures high-quality results, maintaining the resolution of your photos. You can also use Luminar Neoまた、より多くの拡張方法を使用することもできます。RAWを含むすべての写真形式に対応し、より高品質の仕上がりにできます。

Does a Picture Cropper Have a Limit to the File Size or Resolution of the Photo I Can Crop Online?

Our online picture cropper is good for basic photo editing tasks. However, for more advanced editing needs, it is better to use Luminar Neo, as it is a desktop option that offers a wider range of features and capabilities. You can learn more here.

What Is the Best Way to Crop Photos?

The best way to crop photos depends on the image and your goals for it. Our tool allows you to adjust the crop area freely, enabling you to achieve the results you're after, whether that's highlighting a subject, removing unwanted elements, or changing the image's composition. For advanced refinements, you can use a photo eraser online.

Are There Any Advanced Editing Features Available Besides Basic Cropping?

Yes, there are advanced editing features available beyond basic cropping, including:
- Enhance AI: Automatically adjusts aspects like exposure, contrast, and color to improve photo quality.
- Light: Allows detailed control over lighting aspects, such as brightness, contrast, highlights, and shadows.
- White Balance: Adjusts the color temperature and tint to make photos look more natural or to create a specific mood.
- Black and White: Converts images to grayscale, with options to adjust the intensity and tone for dramatic or subtle effects.