To help you get the most from Luminar Flex’s filters, you’ll find a detailed guide that explains the major features of each. Some filters have similar controls so you may notice that certain Filters have parts that perform similarly. Filters are grouped into different categories. based on function. All filters share some standard controls.
At the top of each filter you’ll find:
Disclosure triangle. (Located to the left of the Filter’s name.) Click this triangle to hide or show a filter’s controls.
Filter name.
Filter mask contextual menu. The filter mask lets you paint with a brush to control where a filter’s results are shown or hidden.
Remove filter button. This removes the filter from the panel. You can re-add a filter by clicking the Add Filters button at the top of the side panel. If you want to temporarily disable a filter, just click its visibility icon (the eyeball).
Visibility icon. Click this icon to toggle the visibility for a filter’s results. This is a useful way to judge the effect a filter is having on your image.
Click the filter’s name to access a contextual menu of filter controls.
Reset filter button. This resets all of the controls of a filter to their default value. You can also double-click an individual slider to reset a single controller.
Delete. Removes the filter
Blend. Lets you to apply blending modes to a single filter
Mask. Allows you to modify, clear, copy, and paste existing masks.
Duplicate. Creates another instance of the filter on the same layer.
The Essential filters are some of the most frequently used in Luminar Flex. These filters perform core adjustments that are useful for most images.