Chapter 13: Keyboard Shortcuts for MacOS
- \ Activates before/after comparison. When the key is pressed, the original image will be shown. Releasing the key will reveal the enhanced image.
- ; Activates split-screen comparison mode where the original image is on the left side and the edited result will be on the right side. To exit the mode press the ; button again.
- Tab Show/hide the Looks Panel at the bottom of the window and Side panel along right edge. The key will activate previously shown windows.
- F Full-screen view
File Menu
Edit Menu
- Cmd+Z Undo
- Shift+Cmd+Y Redo
- Cmd+X Cut
- Cmd+C Copy
- Cmd+V Paste
- B Brush
- G Gradient Mask
- R Radial Mask
- Cmd+T Free Transform
- Cmd+J Clone & Stamp
- Cmd+E Erase
- [ Decrease the brush radius
- ] Increase the brush radius
- Shift+[ Decrease the brush softness
- Shift+] Increase the brush softness
- X Switching between painting/erasing modes
- / Show current layer mask in the form of red transparent image
- Cmd+I Invert the layer mask
View Menu
- Shift+Cmd+T Show Tab Bar
- Cmd++ Zoom In
- Cmd+- Zoom Out
- Cmd+1 Original Size
- Cmd+0 Fit to Screen
- J Show/hide Clipping
- I Hide Image Info
- Cmd+L Show Filters Catalog
- ; Compare
- ^+Cmd+F Enter Full Screen
- F Full Screen Preview
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