The Sort drop-down menu lets you choose the best order to view images in the Library view.
Located in the upper right corner of the Library view, lets you easily switch between different sorting options depending on your needs. Maybe you want to find your most recent photos - Sort by Capture Time and Descending... or your oldest images sort by Capture Time and Ascending.
This uses date and time metadata when a photo was shot to sort your images. This allows you to easily find your most recent photos in a folder or Album or the oldest.
This allows you to sort your photos by the last edited them in Luminar. This is great when you reopen your library after a break and want to quickly locate the image you were last working on.
If you have rated your images on a scale of one to five stars, you can easily sort them from highest rated to lowest rated and vice-versa. To see your highest rated images, switch the sort order to Descending.
Groups and sorts your images by how you flagged them. If you sort by ascending, you will see Unmarked images, Rejected images, and Favorite images in that order. Switching to decent reverse the order show Rejected images first, then Favorites, and finally unmarked. all Favorites, Rejected, and Unmarked together
This allows you to sort your photos by the color label you applied to an image. If set to Ascending, the sort order will be - none, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Descending reverses that order.
Sorts your images by the file name. Files starting with a number will appear first followed by Letters from A to Z. When set to Descending or, images will be sorted by Z to A and them numerically from highest to lowest number.
Groups and sorts images alphabetically by file types, such as Jpegs, TIFFs, and Raw files. These groups are sorted alphabetically by the file identifier. For example, Sony Raw images would appear first as they are .ARW files, Canon Raw files 2nd as they are .CR2 files, then .JPG, Nikon .NEF files, and then TIFFs.
You can sort your photos by the size of the file. This is useful if you have multiple versions of the same photos, perhaps a low-quality thumbnail and the original Jpeg. Sorting by size lets you easily group them, and in the case of the low resolution thumbnails delete them from your library.
Sorts from smallest to largest, A to Z, lowest number to highest, oldest to newest, and so on.
Reverse the sorting order, largest to smallest, from Z to A, and newest to oldest, etc.