Paesaggi spettacolari Vol. 2
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Max Rive, fotografo paesaggista dell'anno, ha incluso tutte le sue tecniche di elaborazione segrete nei suoi nuovissimi Look 2020 per Luminar 4. Questo set di 10 Look non solo aggiunge vitalità ai tuoi paesaggi, ma migliora la gamma dinamica e mette in risalto le emozioni. Scatta foto perfette con aspetti di autunno, primavera, estate, alba/tramonto, nebbia, bianco e nero e altri ancora.
10 modelli. Compatibili con immagini JPEG e RAW.
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO
Max Rive visited his first mountain at age five. As he explored the Swiss Alps, it was love at first sight.
Looking at topographical maps, planning hiking routes, and running in front of his parents and brother, it was immediately apparent that Max had a real and deep passion for mountains and landscapes.
Since then, Max has returned many times to Switzerland. He has also traveled the world to Chile, Argentina, Greenland, Sweden, Scotland, Norway, and New Zealand.
It was just after a storm in Greenland when Max heard he had won an International Photography Award (IPA), one of the most significant awards in landscape photography. It was Max’s big dream and ambition to win this award during his stay in the Himalayas, and it was a confirmation that his hard work had paid off and that anything was possible.
In his second Signature Looks pack for Luminar, Max captures the essence of the mountains. Max was able to create this Look pack because the new Luminar 4 offers better results than ever before. With just one click, you can turn your RAW shots in works of art.
Max made a distinction between different seasons and moods in order to allow artists to choose the most fitting look for their photo of choice.
His unique processing style is reflected in this Look pack, including his special color balance techniques that give your images bright warm colors and dark cool colors. Max also managed to add drama to the Looks by making them dark yet with plenty of detail in the shadows.
This set of 10 Looks not only adds vibrancy to your landscapes but improves the dynamic range and brings out the drama.
Use them as a starting point for your own creative editing.
Ispirato per la prima volta dalle montagne della Svizzera, il pluripremiato fotografo paesaggista Max Rive ha sempre avuto una profonda passione per i paesaggi epici. Al punto che, nonostante abbia rischiato la vita alcune volte, tra un incidente aereo e un grave terremoto, risponde ancora al richiamo delle montagne.
In effetti, è difficile stargli dietro perché è sempre in viaggio, ad esplorare montagna dopo montagna, a fotografare ogni spettacolo naturale in cui si imbatte, dagli altopiani lussureggianti della Scozia fino alle vette della Nuova Zelanda. Unisciti a lui in uno dei suoi tour fotografici nei luoghi più mozzafiato del mondo.