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Vegetarian Life LUTs(7)
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Vegetarian Life

LUT by Eddy Kinol

$ 19 .00 $ 29 .00


This is a pack of LUTs perfect for your portrait photography, especially featuring people dining out in restaurants, pubs, or cafés. However, the versatile effects will suit all types of portraits. You are going to find different types of hues, colors, tints, contrast effects that will help you enhance your portraits in no time. Try these LUTs to enhance the people in your life in just a few clicks.


Luminar NEO, Aperty

Ottieni foto come queste

Utilizzando i file RAW forniti, potrai mettere facilmente in pratica i consigli di ritocco e imparare a ottenere foto come queste.

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© Maridav

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Eddy Kinol

Landscape and seascape photographer

Eddy Kinol lives in Cornwall in the UK for almost 10 years. He has a background in landscape and souvenir photography and has been using computers for various purposes for 40 years. In the past, Eddy owned a gallery in St Ives where he sold his products. Now he is a full-time landscape and seascape photographer. Eddy shares his passion for post-production in the world of creative photography using Luminar Neo and other software on his French-language YouTube channel and, more recently, on his English-language YouTube channel.

Vegetarian Life LUTs(66)