Cieli di Patagonia
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Il fotografo di viaggio professionista Gleb Tarro presenta 25 Cieli leggendari catturati sulle montagne della Patagonia, che ha le nuvole più incredibili dell'emisfero australe.
Riempi le tue foto di emozioni e colori vivaci, dall'arancione, al rosa e al viola. Esplora i venti feroci sulle guglie granitiche delle montagne sormontate da masse di nuvole a forma di imbuto ed enormi ghiacciai che si trasformano in laghi turchesi incontaminati sotto vaste distese di cielo ininterrotto.
Ora anche le tue foto possono avere una fetta di natura selvaggia della Patagonia.
25 legendary skies captured in the mountains of Patagonia
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop
<p>Ev Tchebotarev’s journey behind the lens started back in 1999 with just an Olympus 3040z. It’s been a magical journey and a whirlwind love affair ever since. </p><p>
Ev spent the next 12 years nurturing his love of photography by growing his staggering collection of stunning images, organizing photo walks, and, of course, building and cultivating 500px, his life’s work. It only takes a quick peek at Ev’s photo galleries on 500px and Instagram to see it. </p><p>With an eye trained for beauty, Ev has helped judge some of the world’s most prestigious photography contests: Red Bull Illume, Photo Life, and the Sony World Photography Awards.
Today, Ev remains a committed photographer. </p><p>Since joining Skylum to lead the effort in Japan, South Korea, and emerging markets, he has continued to create original Templates to help creatives all around the world. </p>