Memorable Moments
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Niech uczucia płynące z głębi serca zabłysną na Twoich zdjęciach dzięki kolekcji 12 szablonów autorstwa Jima Nixa, które z łatwością zmienią cenne wspomnienia w jasne i kolorowe arcydzieła. Podaruj swoim zdjęciom zasłużoną metamorfozę.
12 Templates and Presets. Compatible with JPEG and RAW images.
Luminar AI, Luminar NEO
Have you ever felt disappointed that your photos didn’t reflect your happy memories of an event?
With this Templates collection, you’ll be able to transform your photos into eye-catching images. Eight of the ten Templates will brighten up your photos and give them a pop of color.
There are also two black and white Templates for a gentler, more elegant look, helping you turn your photos into classically beautiful masterpieces. Channel the vision of Jim Nix and create photos that reflect your memories of the best events in a deserving way.
Note that a Template’s default effect may be too strong for your photo. If that’s the case, simply reduce it a bit using the Strength slider. These Templates use color gradient textures.
You can easily adjust the position of the textures in the local masking tools.
Jim Nix is a travel photographer and YouTuber based in Austin, Texas. His photographic interests include broad cityscapes and intimate street photographs. Jim has a colorful and expressive style and a strong preference for shooting at the edges of the day, where soft light and shadow help create the dramatic and moody sentiments his photographs embody. He loves to convey his artistic vision through editing tutorials, which he publishes several times a week on YouTube, and he encourages his viewers to experiment with their editing techniques in order to find their own creative voice.