Finding your inner voice that reveals itself through the images that you create.

Finding your inner voice that reveals itself through the images that you create, not just photos that you take, is what can set you apart from every other photographer with a camera and post-processing or film developing skills. The challenge is, how to keep that passion burning inside of you, and to continue to be inspired by the world that presents itself in front of your lens.Find Your Inner Voice | Skylum Blog(2) I have often found, that on those days that I didn’t ‘feel’ like packing up all my camera equipment and getting out the door, those were the times that I really needed to get myself behind the camera, and leave my worries behind. With each click of the shutter, I find myself getting more in tune with my subject, my breathing slows down, my eyes are focused on only what is in front of me, and that is when the magic happens. It is at that moment that the real connection happens between you and your subject, and the end result is something remarkable that will speak to both you and your viewer. Find Your Inner Voice | Skylum Blog(3)When you need some inspiration to help get you out the door with your camera in hand, why not try challenging yourself with something new. Set aside time to practice new techniques, and experiment with post-processing tools such as Skylum, to enhance your images to make them look their best. Here are some pointers:

  • Go out to a location and take only 5 photos - This will make you set up and compose for the light and the moment. Too often we just click away and hope that we will capture a keeper.
  • Join a Photo Walk or User group with other like-minded photographers - Besides sharing ideas and photo tips, you might discover new locations to photograph and new friends.
  • Attend a photo Tradeshow - Take time to stop at the vendor booths to learn more about photo products and listen to presentations and seminars.
  • Post your photos for feedback - Facebook, Google+, Flickr, 500px are just some examples. See what type of feedback you get. (Getting some pats on the back are always a boost.)Find Your Inner Voice | Skylum Blog(4)

Try something totally different for a change - Look up online contests and try out a challenging theme. Inspiration happens when you continue to learn, share and discover the rewards that photography can bring into your life. Remember the excitement and passion you had when you first discovered photography? It is possible to rekindle that fire, by picking up your camera, getting in the moment and let the magic begin… again!

About the author: Laurie Rubin is an international award-winning photographer specializing in nature and landscape photography. Her passion for photography as well as a career working for software companies, and currently as the Senior Education Manager for Skylum, has made her a sought out favorite for educational webinars and seminars.

Most recently, Laurie won 1st place in the Windland Smith Rice International Awards for the Zoo & Aquarium category. Her image is in the 2013 Fall Awards issue of Nature's Best and is displayed at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. You can see more of her work here.

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