Image editing is really fun with one-click tools. Read to find out more.

Experience Skylum’s great collection of Creative Kit Presets specially dedicated to produce amazing Aperture effects whilst giving you tremendous user control. Besides the fact that these Aperture-compatible filters literarily put you in charge, they give a comparatively similar user experience with other apps likes Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, etc. 

Although we may not exactly call these plugins, filters or Preset enhanced Aperture an exact replacement of its contemporaries, the fact remains that the presence of any of the Creative Kit apps (as Presets, Plugins, or Filters) always make a whole lot of difference.

It is no doubt that Skylum has become Mac users’ symbol of ‘complex photo editing made easy’; featuring several hundreds of fun-to-use, highly-effective Presets and Photo Filters.

Apple Aperture free downloads are all over the internet. They have remarkably helped users especially professionals achieve excellent photo editing. These free Aperture Presets, most of which are equipped with stunning Aperture compliant photo effects, have digitally contributed to some of the lovely images we see today.

The renowned award-winning Skylum apps have since inception continued to prove themselves worthy of being called “Photo Editors”. Interestingly, there aren’t just called “image editors”, they have themselves redefined photo editing, thus proving to be indispensable.

Had these apps been available as ‘standalones’ only, we still would have appreciated the fantastic features and possibilities they both offer and represent. Skylum has however taken several steps forward by its initiative to include very tempting plugins and filters that take pleasurable photo editing experiences beyond their own custom apps.

And if you’re switching from one Mac machine to another, you can easily download aperture free of charge from the Apple App store.

Enhancing Aperture’s Features

Interestingly, whether you’ve been having a fantastic experience on Aperture, or you feel like Aperture is, in one way or the other, falling short of your expectations, Skylum brings you glad tidings; get on the Creative-Kit-train for an experience that’d revolutionize your entire Aperture experience.

Although these Plugins are not exclusive to Apple Aperture, they however perform handsomely on Aperture as they do on other Plugin hosts. Like most plugins, the Creative Kit’s plugins are not the ‘end’ in themselves, rather, they are a ‘means to an end’ making their powerful, easy-to-use, and highly intuitive Presets available on their hosts.

A host like Apple Aperture with its lovely editing tools, when combined with the Creative Kit plugins, is given very powerful ‘wings to fly’; it ‘flies’ so high that even an Aperture addict can scarcely believe the unlimited possibilities it possesses by means of the Plugin-introduced Presets.

Presets Categories

Skylum’s Presets’ types comprising of Default, Favorite and Custom are characteristic of the untold flexibilities that come with using the products. Default, being those Presets created by Skylum’s team of skillful software engineers; Custom Presets are the ones created by you or other users. Favorites belong to the category of Presets, Custom or Default, which you regularly use or have star-tagged.

As plug-ins for Aperture, the Presets that vitally make up the Creative Kit’s undeniable functionalities are unleashed within the Apple Aperture work-space. The simple installation steps have been discussed, in detail, on another page.

Focus CK Presets

Ever watched documentaries where cities or towns have toy-like characters? Well, this image-graphic tricks, also known as tilt-shift imitates effects which are exclusive to large format sheet-film cameras. Skylum’s Presets make these possible in the Aperture environment.

Focus CK’s presets and filters produce amazing lens-effects in classic or micro tilt shifts, portraits, architecture or nature. Each of these tools are equipped with easy-to-use slider Presets for focus, motion and blur. Focus CK Aperture Preset’s custom functions allow you to apply personalized settings or effects by means of the paintbrush or eraser, radial, blur, focus or linear motion.

Whether you’re looking to create fantastic background effects or simple vignette impressions… as much as your beautiful mind imagines, Focus Preset options would help make it a reality on Aperture.

Intensify CK Presets

Often called the Creative Kit’s powerhouse, Intensify’s CK Presets give you “unprecedented drama and detail” or control. Professional photographers who use Intensify’s Presets as standalone apps or within plugin hosts like Aperture, often say that the Presets boost their confidence whenever they inevitably have to shoot under unfriendly lighting or weather conditions. Using Intensify CK Presets on Aperture gives you flexibilities and controls that far outweighs what’s obtainable with Photoshop or other image-editing apps.

Other feature-rich Preset options that make Intensify so fantastic on Aperture is the fact that the Presets are grouped into ‘treatment’ and ‘subject’ types for easier access and enhanced adjustment controls. Using Intensify’s free Aperture Presets bestows a life of unimagined appeal on your once dull or boring-looking pictures.

FX Photo Studio CK Presets

FX Photo Studio graphic-effects-rich Aperture-compatible Presets are well suited for graphic designs or photo illustrations. Offering possibilities that enable you start-off with customizable default Presets which can be modified to suit your taste, FX Photo Studio Presets are designed to give you stunning style-adjustment options for saturation, brightness, color temperature, contrast, exposure, brightness and so much more.

You could also play around FX Photo Studio’s several Preset effects which can give tremendous insight or approach to tricky images. FX Photo Studio is fun.

Tonality CK Presets

Tonality CK Preset options like ‘Layer Editing’ or ‘Adjustment’, ‘Exposure fine-tuning, ‘Structure’, ‘Lens Blur’, ‘Vignette’, ‘Clarity and Structure’, ‘Glow’ and others, bring out the several lovely beauties in a Black and White image. One of many professional photographers’ favorite is the plugin’s classic image-analog processing or printing feature on Aperture. You can also accomplish customized effects by tweaking the Presets’ ‘Grain ‘Adjustments’, ‘Color Filter’ or ‘Tone Curve’. Tonality CK’s toning control Presets are mind-blowing!

As with all Creative Kit apps, there are myriads of ways you can put Tonality to excellent use including deploying any of Tonality CK sensational presets collections (on Aperture) like ‘Street’, ‘Dramatic’, ‘Architecture’, ‘Outdoor’, ‘HDR’ or ‘Vintage’.

Snapheal CK Presets

Snapheal CK Presets are great for cleaning up ‘photo messes’ in images.

Remove unwanted image-details, objects or people, from you pictures, in portraits, landscapes or cityscapes, at the snap of your fingers. These very efficient Presets can easily accomplish what could take you extended moments of photo-editing in other conventional software like Photoshop.

The dynamic, local or global erase-modes offer extraordinary precision. Snapheal’s Presets are efficient and remarkable.

Noiseless CK Presets

The Noiseless CK Presets give you charge over the once insurmountable problem associated with low-light image shots. Many photographers and graphic artists no longer wear unhappy faces at chunky or digitally noisy images, thanks to Noiseless incredible Presets. On Noiseless, achieving a perfect or near-perfect image on a once hopeless photograph is possible.

Imagine using all of these presets in Aperture. The experience is always a notable one!

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Presets for Apple Aperture | Skylum Blog(2)

Advanced yet easy-to-use photo editor

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