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Luminar Neo Update 1.5.1 is here to bring you an even better experience. The Supersharp AI Extension now has Universal mode that tackles blur and delivers vivid and sharp results. Also, you can now export raw files a bit faster with full rendering. Additionally, the memory usage for Undo and Redo with brushes and the Clone & Stamp tool has been optimized. There’s also better refinement in the Portrait Background and Background Removal AI tools, which means you can clearly see the removed background when you’re editing.
On top of that, we’ve fixed a number of bugs so Luminar Neo works even more smoothly. Try out the improvements!
Bug fixes:
- Close the app without issues when an image is opened in the Edit tab.
- Set an image as Unmarked without the Favorite mark disappearing on the next image.
Bug fixes:
- Add an image from File explorer to the Single Image Edits folder when it contains more than one image without causing Luminar Neo to close.
- Apply Background Removal AI and then close Luminar Neo without experiencing sporadic crashes.
- Relaunch Luminar Neo in the Presets Tab without disabling zoom controls.