Pro software can easily turn even the worst photo into a beautiful and amazing picture. Check it out!

High Dynamic Range imaging, now becoming a significant trend in photography, offers a highly effective approach to achieving picture-perfect results in professional and non-professional digital photography.

An advanced photography HDR imaging technology is achievable with same composition images shot under different light exposures. These images are then merged together (and enhanced) using a specialized photo app -an HDR imaging app such as Machinery HDR.

Machinery HDR

Aside from necessary HDR photography knowledge, the HDR imaging technology is spectacular and makes it possible for photographers and photo enthusiasts to now capture images at varying light exposure ranges. By merging the different light exposures, High-Dynamic-Range Imaging technology can be employed to distinctively reveal your image’s luminance, thus giving it an enhanced quality that’s comparable to what your optical eyes can naturally perceive.

Machinery HDR at a Glance

Machinery HDR is a fantastic High Definition Range imaging app that can be used to produce quality, nice-looking or appealing HDR images in moments. 

Being a Windows-only app, Machinery HDR ultra-modern imaging technology is spectacular in the sense that the app seamlessly makes it possible for you, irrespective of your skill level, to easily merge and process images of varied light-exposure values.

The app is unbelievably easy to us and features fantastic HDR filters that can be used to create gorgeous HDR-effects. Its predefined preset settings are notable for its numerous single-click professional HDR effects which make it a convenient HDR imaging app for advanced, intermediate and beginning-level users or even narrow-niche professionals like interior photographers.

Renowned for its multi-core processing, Machinery HDR processes are comparable with multicore processors using NVIDIA accelerators. The app is also available in a 64-bit version thus taking full advantage and power of your computer!

Having successfully accomplished a superb merging on this app, its HDR-Effects tools can be used to further create an advanced edition of your photo as well as an end-polishing effect.

Adobe Lightroom addicts don’t have to bother about having to switch apps to experience a typical Machinery HDR’s outstanding result. Its typical seamless Lightroom -installation Plug-in offers a smooth and easy way to use Machinery HDR to accomplish your desired High-Dynamic-Range Imaging results.

Aurora HDR: A Perfect Alternative to Machinery HDR

In an attempt to describe the app in plain words, Aurora HDR is simply the best HDR image software available to man on this planet, particularly Mac users. With Aurora HDR, life is both beautiful and easy too!

Life is beautiful with Aurora HDR in the sense that it helps you create perfect HDR imaging merges of varied exposure ranges, and is great at producing stunning HDR image-results. Aurora’s resultant HDR-image is characteristically eye-catchy, having enhanced realistic effects. 

Although Aurora does not feature a “Healing Tool” which can be easily accessed on another Skylum app, Snapheal, it, however, passes for an all-in-one HDR-solution app.

Getting Acquainted with Aurora HDR

Like Machinery HDR, Aurora HDR is well equipped with an ultra-modern tone mapping technology with incredible performance capabilities. Nevertheless, when you examine Aurora HDR’s individual flexibility and functionality, you’d find out that not only does it offer you Machinery-HDR comparable features, it offers even much more.

With comprehensive understanding of HDR photography, Aurora is designed to create natural-looking images in moments. Aurora HDR offers a wide range of stylized presets to choose from, in order to achieve more creative, picture-perfect HDR imaging results. It also highlights options that allow for manual adjustments at will.

Some Amazing Features of Aurora HDR

The app features the “Aurora HDR Trey-Ratcliff one-click signature presets” which can be used to apply instant creative effects… courtesy of Trey Ratcliff’s works.

The sidebars offer an instant real-time preview of all changes and effects being applied to your HDR images, according to al.

Aurora HDR is as a result of a collaborative work between Skylum and the world renowned professional HDR photographer, Trey Ratcliff. It’s no surprise at all that Aurora HDR has no equal amongst HDR applications.

Like all Skylum apps, Aurora HDR is fast and easy-to-use; perfect for users of all skill levels. Aurora tops in all HDR requirements, including areas where existing HDR apps have fallen short.

In Conclusion

Aurora is a perfect alternative to Machinery HDR. It highlights flexible, highly intuitive and easy to use tools. Boasting of a variety of highly efficient filters and algorithms. Aurora HDR’s file support is enormous and does not give the type of image-noise distortions experienced in Machinery HDR when performing very complex tasks.

Both apps have similar system requirements, Aurora HDR though differing in OS type. As earlier mentioned, Machinery HDR is a Windows-only app, while Aurora HDR is Mac-only which is a big plus for Aurora HDR as further emphasizes its place as the best Mac-only HDR software available! 

The arithmetic is quite simple and straightforward: Aurora all-inclusively meets your HDR demands and saves you the inconvenience of having to enhance your HDR imaging effects in another app.

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