• Select: When you need to replace an object, activate the "select" option, fine-tune the brush size, and paint over the region you wish to substitute. It's advisable to be generous with your selection, providing the tool with more intricate details to enhance accuracy.
• Deselect: Once an object is selected, enable the "deselect" option, refine the brush size, and paint over the area you want to exclude from the selection.
•Reset Selection: Following the application of GenErase, the object remains selected. If the desired outcome isn't achieved, you can reapply the erase tool by selecting it again. If you wish to erase a different object, reset the current selection and create a new one.
•Erase button: To utilize GenErase and eliminate the selected object while also intelligently replacing unwanted visual distractions in your images, simply click the erase button. This innovative tool goes beyond essential removal, harnessing content-aware AI techniques for a refined result. You can continue to select the erase button to cycle through different outcomes, fine-tuning your edits until you achieve the desired result.