Tim Grey

photographer, author, educator

About the Author

Tim Grey is a highly respected educator in photography and digital imaging, offering clear guidance on complex subjects through his writing and speaking. An author of 18 books, plus hundreds of articles and training videos, Tim has for more than 15 years also been answering questions from photographers in his daily Ask Time Grey eNewsletter.

Author's publications:

Fixing Lens and Perspective Issues in Aurora HDR

March 13 2018

Fixing Lens and Perspective Issues in Aurora HDR

The focus of this video is on lens and perspective corrections using Aurora HDR. Educator and Pro Photographer, Tim Gray will step you through a variety of tools in Aurora that will help fix a variety of issues with some powerful adjustments.

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Essential filters for breathtaking cityscapes

May 13 2017

Essential filters for breathtaking cityscapes

Tap into the creative power of 7 key Luminar filters that will bring out the best in your cityscape photos.

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Articles by Tim Grey: Read Articles on Photography Right Now(10)