Smoke Bomb Photography You Can Master Quickly and Easily
February 18, 2019

Smoke bomb photography is trendy. Here are some easy tips and tricks that will help you master colored smoke and create stunning portraits and landscapes.
Color smoke bomb photography has gained popularity in recent years. It adds creativity, mood, atmosphere, and plain fun to your photoshoots and the results. If you want to enjoy a great shoot outside, add quality pictures to your portfolio, or simply practice a new technique, it’s a great choice.
Smoke bomb and other gear
So what do you need for an awesome color smoke bomb photography shoot? Here is a quick checklist:
- A camera
- A large deserted space outdoors
- One or more models
- Colored photography smoke bombs
- Lighter (if needed)
- Some water to extinguish the bombs completely
- A bin or bag to dispose of the smoke bombs efficiently
- A photo enhancer to edit your photos after you’re done
Luminar Neo is great editing software that allows you to store, organize, edit, and add presets to your photos. For example, you can add a black-and-white look and only highlight the colored smoke. Or you can add a vintage feel to make a photo seem older and create even more of an authentic atmosphere. Your smoke bomb photography will never be the same! You can try Luminar Neo for free and see if it suits your needs before you buy.
Smoke bombs for photography
Where can you find smoke bombs for photography and what should you look for? Of course, there are many brands and websites that offer them. One issue to consider is that smoke bombs can be called by a variety of names: smoke sticks, smoke cans for photography, smoke flares, smoke grenades, colored smoke grenades, or smoke sticks for photography. Try different search keywords to get the most out of your search. We also recommend searching for "best smoke bombs for photography near me" as these items are best not to buy online.
Some bombs for photography can fire out of both ends simultaneously. These provide twice the smoke, but they aren’t ideal for colored photography since they only last for about half the time of a standard smoke bomb.
Purchasing criteria
When browsing and purchasing smoke bombs, consider the cost, range of colors, ease of use, quality, and duration of burn. On average, they last for less than two minutes. One popular brand of smoke bombs is Enola Gaye, which were primarily designed for paintball but these are also known as long-lasting smoke bombs for photography. In addition, the range and intensity of colors available. On average, smoke bombs for photography cost about $8, but if you buy in bulk you can find some discounts. We recommend buying them from trusted stores. But if you’re a risky person, you can also learn how to make them yourself.
Choose safety first
One of the main things to look for when choosing colored smoke bombs for photography is the label “cool-burning” or a line in the description that says they’re safe to hold in your hands when you ignite them. If there’s no such description, it probably means that they’re designed to be lit on the ground and will be too hot for the model to hold, causing burns. Also pay attention to how smoke bombs can be activated. They may have a wire-pull ignition system or fuses that you’ll have to ignite with a lighter. Think about how you’ll activate the smoke bomb beforehand, what materials you’ll need, and whether it’s safe for your models. Refrain from using smoke bombs in photoshoots with children and animals.
Smoke flare for photography setup
Make sure that your model knows how to use the color smoke for photography correctly. Since the burning time is limited, you’ll need to shoot quickly, generally in less than two minutes. This means that preparing your camera ahead of time and knowing what exactly you want to achieve in your smoke bomb photography is a must.
Mind the weather

The weather plays an important role in smoke photography. Since it’s advised to activate bombs outdoors, you’re bound to mind this aspect. Wait for a calm, sunny day without wind. Even the slightest wind can cause your pictures to look less than ideal. Don’t shoot when it’s overly warm or dry, as even the smallest spark can cause a fire. Since you’re dealing with smoke photography, refrain from smoking nearby or using flammable objects. A barn full of hay is definitely a no, no matter how romantic it may look for a wedding color bomb photoshoot.
Also read: How to Use a Green Screen for Photos: Pro Tips and Tricks
Find the spot
Smoke bombs for pictures may look innocent, but they’re still pyrotechnic objects, and that means you have to follow regulations when using them. Make sure there are no people around your shooting spot, as strangers may become nervous when witnessing mysterious clouds of colored smoke. Find a background that’s neutral and complements your smoke bomb photography idea.
Think of the lighting

Just like for any other photoshoot, ensure that the location has ideal lighting. Portrait lights or strobes may come in handy during your photoshoot with smoke bombs. If the cloud of smoke is properly lit, the colors will stand out in the photo. This doesn’t mean always using flash, however. Maybe you like natural outdoor light or a dreamy atmosphere or prefer soft backgrounds? Then you can consider shooting during the golden hour, which is the time right before sunset and shortly after sunrise. The sunlight is particularly soft at these times, so it can be used as a backlight, side light, or even direct light for your colorful smoke, creating beautiful dreamy visions.
Something extra
Even though it’s exciting to take pictures with a smoke bomb for the first time, don’t forget that your shots should look wonderful even without them. Use it as a prop, as something that highlights and accentuates the already great shot that you’ve accomplished. Think about your location, theme, models, and outfits beforehand if you really want to have great outcomes and not just have some fun with a little bit of smoke.
Colored smoke techniques

Now that you know how to set up the scene for smoke photography, it’s time to find out what creative tricks you can achieve with a color smoke bomb.
Smoke bombs for photoshoots are great for accentuating movement. Ask your model to slowly move the hand with the bomb until the smoke starts to create interesting shapes. The speed of movement can control the intensity of the smoke. You can also create clouds behind or in front of your model or wrap your model in smoke – anything your imagination allows you to do. Your model can move the bomb quickly in unexpected ways, making circles or loops in the air. Consider the poses beforehand and guide your model for the best results. Another interesting shot can be created with a background made entirely out of smoke, giving the illusion that the model lives in their own smoke-filled world.
Incorporate objects
Did you know that you can add some magic to your photography? There are plenty of smoke bombs photoshoot ideas to help you with it! Try using some everyday objects. Bring a suitcase, an umbrella, a vase, a birdcage, a lantern, or even a top hat – anything you can think of. Make sure that the model places the smoke bomb carefully inside the object. And voila, the resulting shot will look magical and surreal. However, mind that the bomb can leave a colorful stain, so don’t use objects that are hard to clean or hold a special value to you. If you notice that some smoke didn’t come out the way you wanted it to, you can always edit it with Luminar Neo itself or use it as a Photoshop plugin.
Get a cinematic look
Smoke bomb photos can also look like cinematic stills. Cinematic stills are stretched or expanded to fit a certain format and have some particular characteristics. For example, there can be mist and colorful smoke, a beautiful landscape, and cinematic poses and costumes. A great way to incorporate a cinematic feeling into your photography is by rewatching your favorite films and noting some of the themes that can be achieved with clever use of smoke bombs.
Genre experiments

Colored smoke grenades are popular because they can create many different effects and make your smoke bomb photos stand out from the crowd. What kind of genre or mood would you like to pursue? Maybe an apocalyptic world, a fantasy, a romantic smoke photoshoot, an eerie masquerade, or a battlefield? Smoke bombs can help you set the mood. Think outside the box with props such as gas masks, soldier uniforms, wedding gowns, zombie outfits, thematic dresses from a certain era, and all-colored rainbow smoke. Your photo editing software can help you with filters or looks, but the setup and theme are all up to you.
Smoke bomb photography safety hazards
Even though color smoke bomb photography may look pretty, there’s no need to sacrifice body parts for it. These are some issues to acknowledge before using.
There have been occasions when a seemingly safe smoke bomb has exploded. This can be caused when too much moisture gets inside the tube. Moisture can clog the pathway the smoke escapes through, causing the smoke bomb to combust. If your bomb fails to emit smoke shortly after you light it, this could indicate that there’s a clog inside of the bomb. If this happens, move away from the bomb and allow it to burn itself out. And in any case, do not use even the best smoke grenades for photography if you’re planning to take pictures of children or animals.
Colored smoke grenades may not just produce colorful smoke but also sparks when you light them, so be careful where they’re aimed when you’re lighting them. If you want your model to hold the bomb, make sure to use a cool burning smoke bomb. Not everyone is experienced in smoke bomb photography, so explain in detail the hazards of using colored bombs. Make sure that they place their hand as low on the base as possible, since it will prevent burns. The bomb burns from top to bottom. Additionally, make sure the model is aware of the position of their hair and keeps the bomb as far away from it as possible.

The colorful smokecan leave a stain. Consider this when using a special outfit, as it would be a pity if a great outfit were ruined. You need to specify this, especially for wedding and commercial smoke photoshoots.
Always prepare some water to extinguish the smoke bombs for photos after it has burned out. As with any pyrotechnic device, it’s your responsibility to dispose of it correctly. When the bomb has stopped smoking, water it or even put it in a basin with water so the fire is completely gone. Keep it away from flammable objects and don’t use smoke bombs in overly dry fields or forests. Only when you’re sure that the fire has been completely extinguished can you dispose of it in a trash can.
Some people are prone to irritation from smoke bombs as they may be from any other smoke. If your model feels uncomfortable or if their eyes or throat get irritated, stop the photoshoot and tend to them immediately. You shouldn’t let the model inhale too much of the smoke, since it can cause coughing. Additionally, the smell of the smoke can stay in your model’s hair and outfit just like cigarette smoke.
Technical tips for colored smoke
What about your camera settings for creative smoke bombs in photography? There are no particular settings that you should definitely use. Each photographer prefers their own type of shots. It’s always recommended to shoot in RAW format to get the maximum data for post-production, but if you’re limited in memory and don’t intend to edit, then JPEG is your choice.
You can reduce the noise of the final shot if you set the ISO to 100. For the smoke to stay in focus, set the aperture to approximately f/8. The sync speed of the flash is supposed to match the shutter speed – usually 1/200 or 1/250. However, a high shutter speed allows you to capture textured trails. If you experiment with exposure, you can capture less distinct shapes. Using flash can accentuate the vividness of the smoke for photoshoots. You can use a tripod to set your shot firmly before your model lights the bomb and take some test photos to see how it will look before the shot. If possible, make sure the smoke bomb itself doesn’t get in the shot to preserve the illusion of the smoke.

Rainbow photography color smoke
There are so many colors at your disposal in smoke photography! There are truly enough to make your own rainbow. The key is to use them wisely: make sure your colors match! You can create not only stunning visuals but whole stories out of different colors of smoke. Consider color symbolism – for example, red for passion when you’re taking a couple’s photo or black to set a gothic mood. Keep in mind the location of the shoot and the model’s appearance. Colors that match can create a wonderful visual, whether it’s just two colors or a full rainbow smoke. For example, a green bomb will look great paired with a model who has ginger hair. Also, consider the time of day: try a pink smoke bomb at sunset or a blue one at dawn. You can use two or more colors together to create fantastic compositions for your photography smoke bombs.

If you’re not satisfied with the colors or your bombs, you can always fix it using Luminar in post-production, for example by using color splash. Try Luminar for free now by clicking the button below and decide if you want to invest in this quick and easy photo editing software.
Summing up
Well, dear readers, now you know how to use smoke color bombs for pictures. We hope these tips will help you create some really fantastic hazy photos. Now let's summarize the article in a nutshell.
To buy the truly best smoke grenade for your creative idea, pay attention to the following product criteria:
- color spectrum;
- ergonomics;
- duration of burning;
- quality and density of smoke;
- price.
You can experiment with photography smoke sticks and different colors during a photo session, but the rest of the points should be tested in advance (except for the price, of course); otherwise, all your work may go to waste due to poor-quality smoke.
The “cool-burning” sign is the most important thing to look out for. You plan to work with pyrotechnics, which means you endanger yourself, the model, and everyone around you. That's why you need to be especially responsible when working with bombs.
The main dangers posed by photo smoke bombs are:
- the possibility of an explosion if moisture has accumulated inside;
- flashes of sparks and fire leading to injury;
- smoke smell, which can adversely affect your well-being, the well-being of the model, or others;
- contamination of clothing and other props.
To use smoke for pictures effectively, you must consider the time the grenade burns. Usually, this is no more than two minutes, so you need to act immediately. Choose the angle and set all the settings before you light the smoke bomb.
It is also essential to pay attention to the weather: it should be calm and sunny but not dry. The wind can blow the smoke away or send it in the wrong direction. If the air is too dry, this increases the risks associated with the use of pyrotechnics.
Many photographers will tell you that the golden hour is the best time to shoot. This also applies to smoke bomb photography. Set your shooting time early in the morning when the Sun is just rising or in the late afternoon when it is already fading. This will give you soft key light, allowing you to capture fantastic smoke moments.
Also, don't forget about our recommendation: use Luminar Neo to edit your photos. This is an excellent tool with a separate creative mode that allows you to transform your photo in just a few clicks. The program uses artificial intelligence to do this, so most of the processes are automated. This allows you to focus not on routine processing but to let your imagination run wild and make your color bomb photography look even more fabulous!
Disclaimer: Please note that the following article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage readers to produce or use pyrotechnics that can cause any harm or damage. Please check if there are any legal restrictions regarding buying, using, and producing the mentioned equipment in your country. Please сomply strictly with the fire, health and safety regulations and follow the usage instructions from the equipment manufacturer.
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