Jordan Matter + Skylum will bring you something AWESOME
March 13, 2017

We met Jordan Matter for a coffee. Then we came up with a mind-blowing idea...
Here at Skylum we are always hunting high and low for photographers around the world that inspire us, and move us in ways that we never could anticipate. We discovered the fantastic photographer Jordan Matter years ago and were instant fans.
Though his daily “bread & butter” work is found in taking actor and corporate headshots, we were drawn to his incredible projects with dancers.
The energy and spontaneous nature Jordan brings to an environmental shoot with dancers or athletes are fascinating and super-fun to watch, truly one-of-a-kind. Dancer and model Anna Louise Herzog summed up her time with him like this: “Just be prepared to say yes to anything”. Brilliant!
On a recent trip to New York City, a few of us from the Skylum team had to reach out, hoping for the opportunity to meet Jordan Matter. We caught up with him at a coffee shop across from his studio and were literally blown away by his openness and genuine interest in what we do.
Fast forward a few weeks and now the Skylum team is in the final stage of launching a project with Jordan Matter that will give YOU and your loved ones a unique opportunity to become a part of his Next Big Thing!
We’ll share the details about that very soon - make sure you join the
Skylum Photo Group.
Win a print signed by Jordan Matter
What do you think the upcoming project is about? Place your guess in comments. If you guess it right, you'll have a chance to win 1 of 3 "Dancers Among Us" prints, signed by Jordan Matter. And don't forget to visit Jordan’s website at to check more of his great works.
In the meantime, check out some of the most inspiring images by JM below (hand-picked by Jordan Matter exclusively for this blog post). Stay tuned!