Have you ever seen a photo where everything is gray except for one bright item? Maybe a street scene with just a colorful hat or a flower?

That neat trick is known as selective color photography. It gives your photos a fun twist and makes them memorable. In this post, we'll explore why it's so cool and how you can try it, too.

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Why Everyone's Loving Selective Color Photography5 Reasons You Need Selective Colour in Photography I Skylum Blog | Skylum Blog(2)

Selective color photography is becoming super popular. Why? Because it makes photos   stand out! People are seeing it everywhere, from Instagram to ads. Whether it's a business showing off a product or someone sharing their vacation snaps, this style is being used a lot. It's a fresh and fun way to highlight the best parts of a picture. Everyone's giving it a try, and it's easy to see why!

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5 Reasons You Need It in Your Photos

5 Reasons You Need Selective Colour in Photography I Skylum Blog | Skylum Blog(3)

1. Enhances Storytelling

With selective color, your photos can tell a deeper story. By using this technique, photographers can guide where viewers look first in a photo. Think of it as directing the spotlight onto the main actor on a stage.

For instance, consider a photo of a crowded beach. If everything is in black and white except for a child's bright yellow toy, your eyes instantly go to that toy. It tells a story, maybe of childhood memories or simple joys. The beauty of selective color is that it makes viewers feel something, all by focusing on just one piece of the bigger picture.

2. Creates Visual Contrast

Contrast is a cornerstone of eye-catching photography, and selective colorization is a brilliant way to achieve this. By adding colors to only a specific part of the image, the contrast between the colored and grayscale portions can be striking.

Imagine a grayscale cityscape, but there's one bus in vivid color weaving through the streets. Thanks to selective colorization, that bus doesn't just blend in; it takes center stage. This technique breaks the uniformity of the image and draws the viewer's attention right to the bus. It transforms what might have been an ordinary scene into something truly memorable!

3. Elicits Stronger Emotional Responses

Colors make us feel things. Think about how calm blue skies or green fields make you feel. Or how seeing bright yellow might remind you of fun and happiness, while red might make you think of love or even danger.

Using selective tecnhique in photos is like turning up the volume on these feelings. Imagine a photo where everything is black and white except for one bright red apple. That red apple isn't just a fruit now; it's the star of the photo. It might make you think of hunger, health, or a fun day out picking apples.

This technique, where only one thing is in color, makes that thing super important. It makes us feel more about it. In a world of photos, where the goal is to make people feel and remember, using hues this way is a powerful tool. It's like telling a story with color, making the viewer stop and think about what they're looking at and how it makes them feel.

4. Reinforces Branding and Identity

Brands are always looking for ways to stand out and be remembered. That's where selective coloring can play a big role. By using this technique, brands can highlight specific parts of a photo, like their product or logo, making it the star of the show.

Imagine scrolling through a series of black-and-white images online. Suddenly, you come across one with a striking blue logo or product. Your attention is instantly grabbed! That's the power of selective coloring. It helps brands shine in a sea of images.

This doesn't just make the image memorable; it strengthens the brand's identity. Over time, when people see that specific color, they'll instantly associate it with the brand. It's like having a secret weapon in the world of marketing and branding. With this technique, brands can create a strong, consistent look that viewers will remember and connect with!

5. Encourages Creativity and Memorable Impact

Photography is an art, and like all artists, photographers love to play, explore, and try new things. Enter selective color. This technique pushes photographers to think differently to imagine new ways of seeing and capturing the world. It's like giving them a new paintbrush and asking, "What will you create?"

With it, a simple scene can become a canvas for endless possibilities. A monochrome city street becomes a different world when a single colorful umbrella stands out. It’s more than just a photo; it's a statement, a story, and an emotion all rolled into one.

And the best part? These photos aren't just creative; they stick in our minds. The uniqueness of the image, the surprise of that one splash of color, makes us pause, look again, and remember. In a world overflowing with images, those that make us stop and think, even for a second, are the ones we remember. And that’s the beauty of this technique — it not only inspires creativity but also leaves a lasting impact.

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Why Luminar Neo is Great for Color Tricks5 Reasons You Need Selective Colour in Photography I Skylum Blog | Skylum Blog(4)

Ever wanted some parts of your photos to stand out with vivid colors while the rest stay simple? With selective coloring in Luminar Neo, you can do just that! It's like having a magic brush that lets you paint colors exactly where you want them.

Easy Steps to Play with Colors in Luminar Neo:

  1. Turn Pictures Black and White but Keep Some Color: With Luminar Neo's Convert to B&W tool, you can make most of your photo black and white but leave some bits in color, like a red hat or a blue car. It's super fun!

  2. Change Colors a Little or a Lot: The HSL tool lets you play with hues. Want to make the grass look greener? Or the sky even more blue? This tool helps you do that. You can play with colors like red, orange, blue, and many others.

  3. Brighten Up the Light or Dark Parts: In Luminar Neo, the Color Balance tool lets you change hues in the bright or dark parts of your photo. And if you want to warm up or cool down parts of your picture, the Split Color Warmth filter is perfect.

For more details, check out our article: How to Create a Selective Color Effect for Pictures

If you want your photos to have cool color effects, Luminar Neo is your best friend. It's easy to use and makes your pictures look amazing!

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Additional Tips 

Starting with selective coloring can be exciting, but it's crucial to remember the golden rule: less is often more. By focusing on just one or two elements to colorize, you ensure that the scene doesn't become overwhelming.

The hues you decide to spotlight should naturally stand out or convey a particular emotion. For instance, highlighting an object in red can underscore feelings of passion or danger. To use this technique well, check out our article on color psychology. It'll help you make smarter color choices!

As you venture into this technique, it's essential to blend art with realism. While the aim is to make parts of the image pop, ensuring a harmonious and natural look is key. This means being mindful of the overall composition, avoiding any harsh transitions, and making sure that the colors complement the surrounding elements.

And don't shy away from experimenting! Playing with different shades can sometimes yield surprising results – a softer hue might tell the story better than a bold one. Once you've given your shot a selective coloring treatment, share it with friends or photography enthusiasts. Getting feedback can provide fresh perspectives and insights that might have eluded you. Like any art form, the magic is in practice and continuous learning, so keep those creative juices flowing!


Selective color photography isn't just a trend; it's a powerful tool that transforms ordinary photos into captivating art. It breathes life into stories, elevates branding efforts, and crafts images that linger in memory. And with user-friendly tools like Luminar Neo, diving into this technique is now accessible to everyone.

So, if you're seeking a fresh way to elevate your photography, consider the magic of selective color. Dive in, experiment, and watch your photos come alive in new and exciting ways!

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5 Reasons You Need Selective Colour in Photography I Skylum Blog | Skylum Blog(5)

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