Why should you try bird's-eye view photography?
December 12, 2022

Doubting if you should try a bird's-eye view shot? Or don't know what it is at all, and why many people are excited about it?
Everyone has long been accustomed to everyday photos taken in a straight line. Want to try something new? Pay attention to the birds-eye view photography! It will allow both you and your audience to see details that are not visible in standard photography and will take the picture to the next level. Interested? Read more below!
So, let's start with the definition
The birds-eye view is an elevated view of an object or location from a very high altitude. More precisely, it is as if a bird is looking at an object. It is important to understand that you do not have to use a drone or climb a skyscraper to take birds-eye photos. You just need to take a shot from the right angle. It can be concluded that it all depends on how you place your camera.
Why is it worth trying bird's-eye photography?
We think that every photographer should try it if he wants to create really impressive pictures. And here are a few reasons:
- An opportunity to show the landscape from a new perspective. The fact is that textures and patterns look very different when taken from above. If we are talking about the sea or the ocean, then bird's-eye view photos can show a pattern of swirls. If we're talking about forests, the lines of trees also form a surprising pattern.
- An unforgettable experience for the viewer. The fact is that pictures taken from a great height give a sense of power. For example, you have the opportunity to show the viewer that he is above the picture, which means that everything around him needs to be protected because of his small size. Yes, it may look unusual, but they are always impressive.
- Bird's eye view photos show perfectly how symmetrical cityscapes are. Regular shooting doesn't show it, but the higher vantage point photos let you see the harmonious shapes and forms.
- Creating an interesting story. For example, you can tell about your thoughts. When you think about something, it's as if you're flying over the city. The bird's eye angle will help you create a unique feeling of flight.
- To show the viewer something he has never seen. As we said earlier, cities, seas, and forests open up in a new way if you use the bird's-eye angle. We are sure that few people have thought about familiar landscapes from this perspective. Besides, few people take the time to climb a skyscraper and look at the city from above. You will allow viewers to see new things. Rest assured, they will be impressed!
How to capture bird's-eye view pictures?
Well, let's move on from theory to practice. We'll tell you about the most popular options, but nothing is stopping you from coming up with something of your own.
1. Use a drone
Drones have absolutely deservedly become popular among those who want to take the perfect birds-eye photo. In addition, you can combine business with pleasure, because it is very fun to control a drone. Another plus is their low price because modern manufacturers now offer more affordable models.
2. Use a tripod or monopod
Naturally, you can climb a ladder for photo taking. But why make it so complicated? A tripod or monopod easily solves all problems! To take a bird's-eye shot, you need to extend the monopod to its maximum length.
3. Stand on a chair
If you want to shoot indoors, this will help you out. This is one of the easiest ways to get impressive results. Of course, you won't be able to photograph a city square that way. However, you can take interesting bird eye shots of food or people at work or relaxing.
4. Flying in a hot air balloon
Of course, this method is not available everywhere. But if you are lucky enough to find a place where you can fly in a hot air balloon, do not be afraid to take this chance. Most often, such an opportunity is available in specially designated places for tourists, which are ideal for bird's-eye view pictures.
5. Take pictures from the tall buildings
You'll be surprised at how wonderful pictures can be if you take them from a tall building. In the foreground will be something you've never noticed before, namely the perfect symmetry of the lines. Just go up to the top floor and get your camera out.
6. Rent a helicopter
Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity. It is quite expensive, so we do not say that it is necessary to do it. But if you can rent a helicopter you will be the lucky owner of a unique bird's-eye shot.
7. Climb a hill or a mountain
If you want to show the beauty of nature, take pictures from a mountain or a hill. We recommend using a wide-angle lens to capture more details. Trust us, it will be exactly the impression you want to give the viewer when you take a photo from a birds-eye point of view.
Top 10 tips for taking perfect photos
We have prepared some tips for bird's eye photography for you. And in the end, there is a little advice for those who actively use social media!
1. Shoot in RAW format
It's the format that's great for taking great shots from high altitudes. It captures a huge amount of detail, so the viewer doesn't feel like your shot is too superficial. Remember that the picture can always be edited with the help of special apps. RAW is the easiest format to change colors or increase sharpness in post-processing.
2. Find the best place beforehand
Of course, you often have to move around during a shoot. But bird's eye photography is quite difficult, so it's a good idea to choose a location responsibly. It's better to spend a few hours getting the perfect aerial photo than to come to some location and realize that nothing will succeed.
3. Reduce the ISO value
Even if you make your elements larger with bird's eye view photography by zooming in, you still can't see the details. So why set the ISO too high? There is no need to do that. The recommended ISO value in this case should not exceed 400. Otherwise, there will be too much noise.
4. Don't choose a wide aperture
Even though pictures taken from a single point of view always look great, it's still better to shoot the whole landscape rather than a single subject. If you want to capture more, use a small aperture. For your picture to be full of detail we suggest stopping at f8.0.
5. Make the road part of the picture
Roads, too, can play a role in creating the perfect image. You just need to frame the shot so that they fit seamlessly into the photo.
6. Try shooting from different angles
The bird's-eye view in photography is not as harsh on photographers as other types. It doesn't require any particular angle, so there's plenty open for you to experiment with. Try changing the angle and you'll get a whole different view of perspective.
7. Try adding people to the frame
This will give you two advantages at once. The first is that you will bring the picture to life. The second is that it's more philosophical. You can show how small people are compared to the buildings they erect. That's what human power is all about.
8. Try changing the photo with different techniques
The birds-eye camera angle is already quite extraordinary. Different photocomposition techniques can help make it even more unusual. You can use:
- rule of thirds;
- golden ratio;
- composing with colors.
9. Use a good lens
What can capture color and detail better than a telephoto lens? That's right, nothing. If you can, we recommend that you buy one to get the most out of your shots.
10. Use a fast shutter speed
Our advice is 1/500. It will allow you to avoid blur completely. This way your shots will look professional.
Bonus: making the best pictures for Instagram
And here is the promised bonus! Now we'll tell you how to use BEV for your social media photos to get as many likes as possible.
- Use bird's-eye view examples to show your beautiful life. Create a scene in a room with natural sunlight streaming in. You can be anywhere: in a chair, on a couch, or even in the bathroom. Place a cup of tea, coffee, or glass of wine next to you. To take selfies from above, you need camera gear - a monopod. Such BEW photos are very popular.
- Take pictures of the food. BEV looks very original against the standard pictures taken at eye level. Food photography is very popular. Why not combine these two things? You can simply pick up your camera or smartphone to take a shot of one plate. If your goal is to capture the entire table, however, you'll have to stand on a chair or use a ladder.
Great bird's-eye view photography examples
See how a familiar city is transformed if you shoot it differently.
And this is a shot of a secluded corner of nature. You can see that the photographer played with the angles and was able to achieve a stunning result.
Just look at what incredible patterns nature herself can create! You would never have noticed such bright colors if it weren't for the BEV photo.
Luminar Neo - edit your Birds Eye View Photos easily
If you managed to get a great shot, congratulations! You have achieved incredible results. However, you often have to resort to editing a photo to make it better.
There are many editing apps available, but we recommend trying Luminar Neo. The first thing worth noting is its convenience. The interface is very simple, so even a beginner will figure it out. In addition, Luminar Neo provides many tools for color correction, removing smudges, blurring, and adding effects. It is AI-powered, so it can advise you on what can be improved.
In conclusion
So now you know all about BEV. What are you waiting for? Grab your camera and get out there and make some photographic masterpieces. Don't forget to be careful if you decide to take pictures from a great height!