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It's the last Friday of the year and what an amazing year it's been! Just take a look!

It's the last Friday of the year and what an amazing year it's been!

We love seeing what photographers are creating with our software and can't wait to see what you do next year. 

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(3)© Johan Lennartsson created with Intensify Pro

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(4)© Severine Blaise created with Tonality Pro

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(5)© Terry Dunbar created with Tonality Pro

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(6)© Cat Burton created with Intensify Pro

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(7)© Ronald McCarty created with Tonality Pro

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(8)© Jack Larson

Thank you all for your amazing contributions. Remember if you'd like your photos to be considered for our blog to post your images in our Facebook group or on Twitter with the tag @wearemacphun. We look forward to seeing next year's photos and wish you lots of inspiration in the new year.

Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(9)

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Photography created with Skylum Software 12-26 | Skylum Blog(21)