Chapter 6: Using Luminar with Adobe Photoshop Elements

Using Luminar with Adobe Photoshop Elements

Luminar works with Adobe Photoshop Elements on a Mac.  To apply Luminar as a filter, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure Adobe Photoshop Elements is open.
  2. Open an image you’d like to enhance in the Photo Editor module.
  3. Choose Filter > Skylum Software > Luminar 3… 
A new dialog appears to indicate that Luminar is running.
  4. Luminar should automatically open the image you were editing. 
If needed, click the Luminar icon in your Dock or Taskbar to switch to Luminar.
  5. Make any edits or adjustments as needed in Luminar.  Use Luminar Looks or Workspaces to speed up your editing workflow.
  6. When done, click the Apply button to send the adjusted image back to Photoshop Elements.

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Chapter 6: Using Luminar with Adobe Photoshop Elements(10)